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Economic Scenarios

Chaos in the UK: no restrictions in England, bans in Scotland and Wales

Chaos in the UK. The conservative government of Boris Johnson has decided, in the absence of further evidence on the danger of the Omicron variant, NOT to impose further restrictions. Cases have increased, with a weekly average rising from 87,000 cases per day (Dec 21) to 108,000 cases per day (Dec 27), but deaths have even dropped

So the Johnson government, in the absence of evidence of greater danger or a dramatic situation, decided not to impose new restrictive measures until the new year. So the British will be able to celebrate quietly in pubs or at home, with the only limitations relating to the vaccination pass, applied only to discos and large clubs.

Perceived that the Scottish governments, with the Sturgeon, and the Welsh, of the Labor Drakeford, have decided instead to impose strict rules for pubs and the closure of discos and clubs. A situation that, it is expected, will lead to a migration on the occasion of the New Year of people who want to celebrate to England proper.

Meanwhile, the Scottish and Welsh conservatives are rightfully playing the devil with four against decisions that damage local businesses, threatening to ask for the technical reasons for the lockdowns. Since these are not there, but it is the usual demagogy, they get into trouble for separatists and Labor.

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The article Chaos in the United Kingdom: no restrictions in England, bans in Scotland and Wales comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/caos-nel-regno-unito-nessuna-limitazione-in-inghilterra-divieti-in-scozia-e-galles/ on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 17:24:44 +0000.