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ChatGPT Graduates in Medicine: A Danger to the Medical Profession?

AI chatbot ChatGPT scored at or near the pass threshold of approximately 60% on the United States Medical Practitioner Exam (USMLE), “with responses that make internal, consistent sense and contain frequent insights ”. The USMLE is a highly standardized and regulated set of three exams required for licensure to practice medicine in the United States. Taught by medical students and junior doctors, the USMLE assesses knowledge from most medical disciplines, from biochemistry to diagnostic reasoning to bioethics.

To see how the language mode would perform in this complex exam, Kung and colleagues tested the performance of ChatGPT. They removed the image-based questions and submitted 350 of the 376 public questions available in the June 2022 USMLE release to ChatGPT.

ChatGPT scored between 52.4% and 75.0% on the three USMLE exams. These scores are particularly encouraging, given that the pass rate each year is around 60%. ChatGPT also demonstrated a 94.6% agreement across all of its responses and produced at least one significant understanding for 88.9% of its responses. ChatGPT even outperformed PubMedGPT, a counterpart model trained exclusively on the biomedical literature, which scored just 50.8% on an older USMLE-style question set.

The authors concluded that ChatGPT has the potential to improve medical education and ultimately clinical practice. In fact, AnsibleHealth doctors already use ChatGPT to rewrite jargon-heavy reports to make it easier for patients to understand.

Will ChatGPT replace me doctors? Obviously he's not able to recognize images so his knowledge is purely theoretical, he doesn't make real diagnoses on people. It could also be of help to doctors, but with two caveats: its abuse could make human doctors too rigid and lazy, who would be overly confident in AI. So ChatGPT is based on standard historical case study and lacks human intuition as well as some of the relational capacity of sentient being. But it would be a danger for those superficial doctors who only make prescriptions…

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Article ChatGPT Graduates in Medicine: A Danger to the Medical Profession? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/chatgpt-si-laurea-in-medicina-un-pericolo-per-la-professione-medica/ on Fri, 10 Feb 2023 09:00:55 +0000.