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China will make the most powerful pulsating magnet in the world

Los Alamos supermagnete

This week, China started construction of the world's strongest pulsating magnet in the city of Wuhan. The high pulsating magnetic field implant at Huazhong University of Science and Technology will produce a short – but extremely strong – magnetic field of 110 Tesla, more than two million times stronger than Earth's.
The current pulsed magnetic field record, equal to 100 Tesla, is held by a facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the US state of New Mexico.
The strongest pulsed magnetic field China can currently generate is 70 Tesla.
China already holds the record for the strongest fixed magnetic field ever produced on Earth by man. The High Magnetic Field Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Hefei, Anhui Province, said in August that it had created a stable magnetic field of 45.22 Tesla for research requiring long periods of operation.
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Construction of the new Chinese plant will take five years and will cost more than 2 billion yuan (US $ 276 million), Science and Technology Daily reported.
According to the official journal of the Ministry of Science and Technology, there is already a long line of scientists interested in using it for their own experiments.
These include engineers working on classified "high-power electromagnetic projects," scientists developing new superconductors and semiconductors, researchers working on next-generation 6G communications technology, and scientists hoping to unlock the secrets of human biology.
A pulsating magnetic field was designed to allow scientists to observe the structures of materials, the behavior of subatomic particles and life processes in an extreme environment. Experts say such scientific observations would be impossible to make under normal circumstances.
Using the strongest pulsing magnetic field ever created, scientists hope to make progress in research areas ranging from carbon-based computer chips and stealth technology to high-powered microwave weapons and new life-saving drugs.

The purpose of this record-breaking magnet is obviously also to propagate the technical and scientific capacity of the Chinese Communist Party: “ Currently, the vast majority of the center's staff are members of the Communist Party. The objectives of party building and scientific research go in the same direction. With open operation, scientific research and talent training, the 'red magnet' will have a greater global appeal and, ”said the team, in a very national propaganda perspective.
The construction of the new magnet promises to be challenging and risky. According to the report, workers will have to wrap thin metal wires around the magnet wearing protective suits for several hours in a sealed environment and where the atmosphere is thick with poisonous gases. full of poisonous gas.
Creating such a strong magnetic field is difficult. The magnet requires an electrical generator capable of producing more than one gigawatt of power and special materials capable of absorbing the heat and thrust generated by the impulse.

Conducting magnetic experiments can also be dangerous. In 2018, a Japanese research team briefly created the strongest controllable magnetic field in history – 1,200 Tesla. But the experiment was powerful enough to destroy the magnet itself and blow up the lab.

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The article China will make the most powerful pulsating magnet in the world comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-cina-realizzera-il-magnete-pulsante-piu-potente-al-mondo/ on Thu, 29 Sep 2022 08:00:39 +0000.