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Economic Scenarios

Citi Viganò? You are guilty of instigating violence (by Ilaria Bifarini)

We have come to the final squeeze of a regime that no longer needs to hide its nature from the eyes of the citizens. The Overton window is now wide open and the boiled frog is unconscious. Only a few characters remain outside the barbed perimeter of the single thought, pointed out as a dangerous enemy, to be silenced by all means. So for Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, dissident and high-sounding voice of the Catholic Church, one of the first to denounce the dystopian and diabolical plan of the Great Reset.

His public letters are cannon shots against the single thought of politically correct and the new health terrorism of which Bergoglio himself is a promoter . So his latest video, in which he invited to denounce the deception of the reset as the duty of each of us, was immediately censored by YouTube. But the new dictatorship is ruthless and acts in a capillary way, without leaving faults of dissent that could instill doubt on what is happening and in particular awaken some conscience among the large population of the faithful. So he does not just censor the person concerned, but even anyone who dares to mention him and report his thoughts.

This is what happened to me yesterday for having published a quotation mark of the words of the archbishop sworn enemy of the mainstream: the post was rated "contrary to the standards of disinformation that could cause physical violence", since, they explain, "we do not allow disclosure of information that could cause physical harm "(which ones?).

Assuming a power that transcends national jurisdiction in terms of freedom of expression, I was given a 3-day suspension from Facebook.

Faithful champion of the dogmatic discourse of the new prevailing scientism, the creature of Zuckerberg, who actually holds the monopoly of social media and manages 80% of the data, explains that "In some cases, according to health organizations recognized ( ed., As the 'WHO, funded by the aforementioned Gates ) this information could mislead people on how to treat and prevent a disease or could push them not to seek medical care ”.

It is paradoxical to say the least that, on the contrary, it is the diktats of the new pseudo-health regime that reject early medical care and home therapies, which have saved many lives.

Then, as a corollary of the virtual community's orthopedics work, he closes the message with: “Receive reliable and updated information on Covid-19 from the WHO. Visit who.int. "

Do not pay for the ban imposed on me, Zuckerberg's men – do not delude yourself that there are only algorithms to manage these punitive actions, which not surprisingly affect only uncomfortable and non-aligned characters – have sent a message to each of the users (about a thousand! ) who interacted with my post:

What use can we make of social media now if even a quote, complete with quotes and an indication of the author, is censored and punished on those who report it?

First they left us the illusion of finding in these platforms a space of freedom of expression, alternative to that of the mainstream media, which actually allowed free and unconventional voices to have a following and disseminate critical thinking, then they decided to repress this gap left free as well. Where will this suffocation of dissent lead, once all relief valves are prevented?

It could prove to be a dangerous boomerang for the masters / feudal lords of single de-thought.

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The article Citi Viganò? You are guilty of instigation to violence (by Ilaria Bifarini) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/citi-vigano-sei-colpevole-di-istigazione-alla-violenza-di-ilaria-bifarini/ on Wed, 26 May 2021 09:30:06 +0000.