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Economic Scenarios

CIVIL DEATH: THE CREATOR OF GAB AND HIS FAMILY ALL BANNED BY VISA. Do you now understand the danger of electronic payments?

For those who do not yet know it, GAB is a sort of alternative twitter, quite widespread and functioning, which practices freedom of expression in a rather broad way. Despite how the usual mass media present it ("Ultradestra" etc etc) you will not find anything special. After the twitter ban, many Trumpians moved to those shores, rather well received

Having said that, you will now understand what happens to oppose the mainstream system. By applying the Chinese social credit system to the letter. that is, giving very high credit to those who align exactly with the will of the party, but socially putting those who do not align themselves under arrest, the VISA, the payment and credit card system, has banned from its GAB network. It's not the first such case, but the payment company didn't stop there. As Gab CEO Andrew Torba writes, VISA did things right :

This week we were told that not only Gab is blacklisted by Visa as a company, but my personal name, phone number, address and more have also been blacklisted by Visa. If I wanted to leave Gab tomorrow (which will not happen) and start a lemonade stand, I wouldn't be able to get electronic payments for this business. Simply because my name is Andrew Torba. If my wife wants to start a business she will not be able to get participation in the payment system because she lives at the same address as me and would be reported by Visa.

Torba points out that it is not a question of financial reliability, given that his "Fico score" is almost the maximum (800 out of 850), he pays his bills and has a normal life with his wife and daughter. Now, in a process very similar to Stalin's, the blame for having created an alternative social system to those accepted by the big corporations also falls on his children, as a sort of original sin.

The government is trying in every way to encourage the use of electronic money but this, remember, exposes you to the arbitrators of a tiny handful of payment companies that can take away your access to money at any moment, not for problems. reliability, but, maybe, why you don't think exactly like them. For this reason, cash is freedom, because when you have it you can pay regardless of your political thought, religious belief, race, age. The famous "Cashback", that is the money given to the rich, is not only a social and economic policy error, it is also a real attack on personal freedom. Remember that today they will strike a person who is indifferent to you, but tomorrow it could be you.

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The article CIVIL DEATH: THE CREATOR OF GAB AND HIS FAMILY ALL BANNED FROM VISA. Do you now understand the danger of electronic payments? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-morte-civile-il-creatore-di-gab-e-la-sua-famiglia-tutti-bannati-da-visa-ora-capite-il-pericolo-dei-pagamenti-elettronici/ on Tue, 12 Jan 2021 10:16:30 +0000.