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CIVIL WAR IN WASHINGTON: BLM against Proud Boys, with injuries and violent clashes

On Saturday Washington DC was held a demonstration with one million participants, which you have NOT heard of in the Italian media, in which the “MAGA people”; that is, the people who support Trump and contest electoral fraud, gathered to demonstrate. In itself the demonstration was completely peaceful, without any problems of public order, which instead started in the evening, when the bulk of the participants were on their way home, but some BLM groups clashed with the "Proud Boys", generic term that contains within it the most determined supporters of Trump.

Things did not go well at all: 4 injured by stabbing, then 23 arrests and many injured both among the police and between BLM and Proud Boys

In the clashes, the Proud Boys took possession of a BLM banner and set it on fire

The Washington DC Police have had enormous problems keeping the groups separate and limiting the fighting. The stabbings apparently started on the side of the BLM who then realized they were fewer than the Proud Boys and had to retreat.

What happened yesterday, however, clearly shows the level of tension in American society, an element that will not disappear into thin air with the end of the Trump presidency, on the contrary it risks accentuating itself with the sense of injustice for the ways in which the democratic victory was achieved. .

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The article CIVIL WAR IN WASHINGTON: BLM against Proud Boys, with injuries and violent clashes comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/guerra-civile-a-washington-blm-contro-proud-boys-con-feriti-e-scontri-violentissimi/ on Sun, 13 Dec 2020 17:36:46 +0000.