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Economic Scenarios

Claudio Borghi: the whole story of Mattarella’s election, and how he eliminated Draghi

Claudio Borghi intervenes, with Thor in his arms, for the last painful episode on the elections of the President of the Republic Mattarella and how we got there. In the end he succeeded, not so much himself, but with the help of his entourage, the general secretary of the Quirinale etc. They have been acting in this direction for over a year.

It starts again in October 2020, to explain why Draghi arrives: his arrival at Palazzo Chigi designed to remove him from the presidential race. The mistakes made in the voting, the 70 francs shooters, Draghi who was eliminated immediately, so much so that Giorgetti, his friend, said “Nobody can be voted, if nobody wants to vote”. Casellati burned by the seventy traitors of Forza Italia, Casini and Belloni burned by the center-left. The gross naivety of those who led the elections in the center-right and the cunning of the center-left.

In short, a big mess. Draghi is now isolated, and will be merciless to get hunted. Now he is filled with resentment and hatred and wants to leave a place that doesn't bode well. It has already incinerated every right, and nothing good is to be expected. Nobody will resist, but, luckily, nobody will want to register his junk.

Thanks to Inreverente and good listening.

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The article Claudio Borghi: the whole story of Mattarella's election, and how he eliminated Draghi comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/claudio-borghi-tutta-la-storia-dellelezione-di-mattarella-e-di-come-ha-eliminato-draghi/ on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 20:48:47 +0000.