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Economic Scenarios

Coca Cola admits to taking a compulsory course to be “Less White”. A lesson in racism

The Coca Cola Company has reached a point of no return in showing how much hypocrisy is hidden in "Politically Correct" and how much the new "Woke" theory, which crushes American culture, so to speak, is deeply racist.

Coca Cola admitted that it forced employees to attend a seminar online to persuade them to " Try to be less white, " this after an internal informant leaked some images from the video.

It is a course with an objectively racist content, as all the atrocities, or almost all, are identified with the "White Race": arrogance, aggression, ignorance … these just to start with.

Here is the tweet from Coca Cola that admits the offetta of the course:

If we had a little more Sense of Humor we could say that it is obvious that CocaCola wants “Less white”: it can't only sell Sprite! Too bad that by now a strong racist, anti-European push is spreading in the USA, and beyond, for not wanting to use hateful racist stereotypes. We are moving towards a culture of cancellation pushed in the US that will cancel history and the reality of the facts. But realism is a despicable quality of the white man.

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The Coca Cola article admits to taking a compulsory course to be "Less White". A lesson in racism comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/141330-2/ on Wed, 24 Feb 2021 07:00:55 +0000.