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Economic Scenarios


Gianluigi compares in this video is right. The Conte government, which has done nothing to fight the virus, is nothing more than the expression of the violence and abuse of the state. A prime minister who goes on television to announce his measures two hours late shows respect for the citizens equal to that of Kim Jong-un, the "dear leader" of North Korea. After all, what should he fear, with information that is prone and servant of power? TG1, TG2, Tg3 and also Mediaset and La Sette (Sky not received) are nothing more than trombones in Casalino's service. In the end we have the "Big Brother Information" that humiliates journalism which, in any case, no longer exists.

The fact is that everyone is afraid to demonstrate, to show their opposition. Even Paragone admits that he is intimidated by power, but without courage he will only witness Italy's self-destruction.

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The articlePARAGONE: THE GOVERNMENT COUNT AND STATE VIOLENCE comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/paragone-il-governo-conte-e-violenza-di-stato/ on Sun, 20 Dec 2020 18:05:19 +0000.