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Economic Scenarios

Comparison: Why the secret on the suppliers of the counters. Huawei and China are the masters of the government

Harsh attack by Gianluigi Paragone on the government, in which he reveals two news items that had escaped us so far, perhaps because the government wanted them to remain so:

  • the winners of the tender for the supply of the new single-seater counters, the one wanted by Azzolina and by Commissioner Arcuri, are secret, so it is almost obvious that this supply, which could have been used to relaunch the Italian industry, will instead provide financial resources. Chinese companies. So the risk, very likely, is that our money will serve the 5-star pro-Chinese foreign policy;
  • another pro-Chinese move by the government, and which will get us in trouble with the US, is that linked to the 5G network and to Huawei. As they also pointed out at StartMag, there will be no ban by Chinese companies from participating in 5G. In the new DPCM on 5 g, always an indisputable Conte decree and beyond any possible judgment of the Parliament, there is in fact talk of a continuation of the collaboration with Huawei on existing products. In this way we are perfectly on a collision course with the US… Who knows how happy Trump will be with our pro-Chinese fold;
  • finally another 9 years of state secret on Ustica. Brilliant, for the party that had to "open parliament like a little box" …

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The article Paragone: Why the secret on the suppliers of the counters. Huawei and China masters of the government comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/paragone-perche-il-segreto-sui-fornitori-dei-banchi-huawei-e-la-cina-padroni-del-governo/ on Mon, 24 Aug 2020 08:57:22 +0000.