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Economic Scenarios

CONTE ADMITS THAT THE MONTH IS A DEBT TO BE REPAYED WITH TAXES. Borghi satisfied, they win in the PD and IV, but they will never have the courage to fall the government

The only important and interesting thing about Prime Minister Conte's press conference was the answer to the first question, related to the ESM. Conte, wanting to concentrate with content, said:

a) the ESM is a debt, like government bonds;

b) therefore to return it it would be necessary to raise taxes (the BTP can be renewed);

c) the savings in interest would then be minimal, given that BTPs pay 0.7% on ten years and negative up to 3 years, according to him only 200 million euros per year are saved. (We know that the interest on the ten-year BTP is zero because it was purchased in the PEPP by the ECB)

d) there would be the “Stigma” effect, that is, given that no one used it, it would send a bad signal because it would give the impression that our ordinary debt, the BTP, cannot be financed, which is absolutely false;

e) finance only expenses already made (or better already committed), so since there are no excessive expenses committed, what is the use? It cannot be taken regardless.

If he had added that the MES, as a privileged debt, would have downgraded all the rest of the Italian public debt, he would have done a row with all the reports that Giuseppe Liturri, Borghi, Noi, Rinaldi and Bagnai have been saying for MESI. Only this last point was missing.

A small, minimal victory, probably due to the breakdowns within the Five Star Movement that would not have guaranteed a majority in Parliament. so tomorrow everything could change and what is unacceptable today would be tomorrow. In the meantime, however, the MES is discarded.

Naturally in the Piddo-Vivista-Forced-Forced-Euromarcia area there have been a lot of gnawing. For example, taking a few Tweets:

Trade unionist not workerist …

Journalist who is unknown to article 1 of the Constitution:

Testa Lucida by Italia Viva (so let's think about the others) …

A sort of September 8th also announced by the vote in Parliament which had seen the pro MES motion of Brunetta, Forza Italia rejected, with damage. In the end, he could not say anything different, indeed what he said is still little.

What will PD and Italia Viva do now? If they were serious parties, they would send the government into crisis and ask for new elections. Instead, since they are much more tied to their chairs than to their ideas, they will gnaw, gnaw, and gnaw. The only ones who will have something to fear are the marshy woods of our peninsula….

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The article CONTE ADMITS THAT THE MES IS A DEBT TO BE REFUNDED WITH TAXES. Borghi satisfied, rosicano in the PD and IV, but will never have the courage to fall the government comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/conte-ammette-che-il-mes-e-un-debito-da-rimborsare-con-tasse-soddisfatto-borghi-rosicano-nel-pd-ed-iv-ma-non-avranno-mai-il-coraggio-di-cadere-il-governo/ on Mon, 19 Oct 2020 07:00:30 +0000.