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Count or immediately find a few Senators or he is finished. No Ciampolillo government, but it is not certain that the next one is better. Then if they investigate Cesa …

Conte's mission to the Quirinale did not close exactly well, on the contrary it reopened, even if at an end, the "Cow Market". The Prime Minister of Foggia was granted a certain number of hours, from 72 upwards, to expand the majority with a few more senators.

What are the senators on the market? Few, very few. A handful of Renzians from Italia Viva and a handful of Forza Italia, with contraindications. in both cases, Conte's attempt to create a party in parliament, without passing through the polls, is just another tear for democracy, yet another kick in the ass of Italians and the current situation. So we will go on the hunt for some exiles, which, in the President's dreams, should reach 10.

In dreams, because reality is very different: now everything has been offered. They called generals, he called Vecchioni, he called the Vatican, he called Conte personally (see Causin), who still has to call? Biden, Points, God or Satan? A couple of senators may be moved by a "specific pressure"; but it is not even said that there are.

There is also another possible front. A few days ago we published the interview with Pino Cabras, who represents the most autonomous wing of the M5s. Are we sure that betting everything on Conte's (sic) accatto Europeanism makes the right move and does not risk losing some of his members who could migrate along more coherent lines? That by yielding to Renzi other internal fronts do not open up?

Conte's "deferral" did not work, it only accumulated tensions. Would we have a broad-based government? probably not. Conte will leave and Renzi will return, with some external reinforcement. We will have this government, without Conte, but the result is not necessarily better. Then the fact that Cesa (UDC) a "Builder", is now being investigated by Gratteri, according to press reports, certainly does not help.

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The article Conte either immediately finds a few Senators or is finished. No Ciampolillo government, but it is not certain that the next one is better. Then if they investigate Cesa … it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/conte-o-trova-subito-un-po-di-senatori-o-e-finito-niente-governo-ciampolillo-m-non-e-detto-ce-il-prossimo-sia-migliore-poi-se-indagano-cesa/ on Thu, 21 Jan 2021 08:16:07 +0000.