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“Courtesy is dead”: Trump publishes direct footage of the CBS interview where the presenter is grotesquely crude

Donald Trump grants a one-hour interview to CBS. The American network publishes a shortened and re-edited version of this interview by the Network. However, things in reality were so hostile that the President decided to post the entire direct footage of the interview, because, as he says:

“Look at the prejudice, the hatred and the rudeness on behalf of 60 Minutes and CBS. "

Trump begins by asking interviewer Stahl to "be correct …" after she warned him "are you ready for tough questions". She therefore refused to accept several of his answers, making direct objections, like the worst Lilly Gruber, to which he replied.

"… for you, nothing I said will be good enough … Come in here with that negative attitude "

In the discussion, Trump asked her about Hunter Biden and her relationship with him. The reporter refused to answer any questions about Hunter Biden, Trump eventually pointed out that:

"Discredit yourself, I must not"

For those who chew a minimum of English it will be an interesting sight. It will see a great parallelism with the various Gruber, Parenzo etc of our house. (or better from La 7)

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The article "Courtesy is dead": Trump publishes the direct footage of the interview on CBS where the presenter is grotesquely raw comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/cortesia-le-morta-trump-pubblica-la-ripresa-diretta-dellintervista-alla-cbs-dove-la-presentatrice-e-grottescamente-grezza/ on Fri, 23 Oct 2020 06:00:34 +0000.