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Covid-19: “We have more patients hospitalized with the third and fourth dose”. The mysteries of Palermo …

“We have more patients with the third dose who end up in the emergency room, especially the frail, but not only , with pneumonia at thirty percent. And we also hospitalize fourth doses: fragile and immunosuppressed patients. The situation is beginning to cause some concern ”.

These words of the Covid emergency commissioner for the metropolitan area of ​​Palermo, doctor Renato Costa, reported by Livesicilia , give a picture that is not catastrophic but that leads to reflect. We are approaching the end of the emergency, while the war, of course, takes its eyes off the pandemic. But in Sicily in Covid-19 it is still at the center of attention, with the intensive care admissions at the “Cervello” hospital in Palermo that are unable to decrease.

So in theory we would have a nice case study.

  • what is the current situation in Sicily and why, while intensive care is emptying elsewhere, here it seems not;
  • what is the real effectiveness of the third and fourth dose, the one that should cover "the weak", save from the most serious effects etc, but which, in this case, seems to be fresh water, if not worse.

Obviously no one will look for anything, there can be no doubts, ever, and in no way. Go ahead with Plan A, whatever that may be.

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The Covid-19 article: "We have more patients hospitalized with the third and fourth dose". The mysteries of Palermo… comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/covid-19-abbiamo-piu-pazienti-ricoverati-con-la-terza-e-la-quarta-dose-i-misteri-di-palermo/ on Wed, 16 Mar 2022 22:25:43 +0000.