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Covid measures: the government sends Brunetta and Speranza forward to explain the nullity of mandatory vaccination

At lesser times, minor princes, and minor ministers. The decline of Italy, cultural and political, is well represented by the bewildered figure of the Minister of Public Administration who announces the main measure taken by the Council of Ministers

We wanted to tweet the video excerpt from the announcement, but it was difficult to find one without insults. However, bragging about having introduced "Obligatory vaccination for people over fifty first" is very little frieze. How many will be over fifty still to be vaccinated? 500 thousand? A million? The risk of such a measure is much greater than the possible health benefits: if faced with such a tough choice, would the over fifty-year-olds still refuse to get vaccinated? What if the protest, or at this point the rebellion, became even more decisive? Really Brunetta and Speranza will send the carabinieri to the homes of those over fifty?

The feeling is that Macron's tactic has been followed, that of “Emmeder”, of pissing off at least a slice of the No Vax, starting from the over-fifties. The less ferocious political parties have tried to moderate the move, with some success, but the failure of the government's policies must be hidden, so we must pretend to do something. To pay for this "Something" are the over fifties …

That government policies are useless is in fact: the vaccination push does not limit cases. Just see a graph

After all, Brunetta , with her insistence against teleworking at a time when the Omicron variant proves to be much more contagious, is probably one of the various responsible for the spread of Covid-19. It would suffice to point out that in Germany the use of remote work has returned and in Belgium it is compulsory. Instead of "Emmerder" i no vax it would have been better to encourage policies of isolation that would slow the spread of the virus, well aware that this will affect, in one way or another, a large part of the population. Then maybe prepare better therapeutic protocols, instead of pretending nothing happened …

Instead we have ministers who are being tough on TV. What then, that there is to be tough, they have to explain.

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The article Covid Measures: the government sends Brunetta and Speranza forward to explain the nullity of mandatory vaccination comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/misure-covid-il-governo-manda-avanti-brunetta-e-speranza-per-spiegare-il-nulla-della-vaccinazione-obbligatoria/ on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 07:00:33 +0000.