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Daje! By the end of the month super asteroid will touch the earth!

A huge asteroid, considered "potentially dangerous" by NASA, two and a half times the height of the Empire State Building in New York is set to skim the Earth at the end of this month passing through its orbit.

With an estimated diameter of at least one kilometer, the asteroid (7482) 1994 PC1 is capable of causing a world cataclysm if it hits our planet. It is expected to pass approximately 1.98 million kilometers from Earth, or roughly five times the distance between our planet and the Moon, on January 18.

The Apollo-class asteroid, with a wider orbit than Earth, was discovered by Australian astronomer Robert McNaught in 1994. It makes a complete circle around the Sun in one year and seven months.

The space traveler can be observed with the most basic of telescopes every 47 years, but the next time he gets this close to Earth it will be in 2105.

For those who think they are stargazing, it will travel at 19.56 kilometers per second (70,515 km / h) and will look like a shooting star moving across the night sky.

It must be said that, after this event, no other large asteroids are expected near our orbit for a while. Too bad, it seems that nature, after this January, will let us destroy ourselves. If instead he were to hit us, we would be saved from the soap opera of the presidential election !!

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The article Daje! By the end of the month super asteroid will touch the earth! comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/daje-entro-fine-mese-super-asteroide-sfiorera-la-terra/ on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 20:53:04 +0000.