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DeSantis: I will cancel any FED digital currency program if elected

In a long interview with Tucker Carlson yesterday at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis illustrated his position on various issues, including abortion, the environment in Florida, foreign policy and the potential implementation of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the digital currency that should be issued by various central banks, including the FED and the ECB.

Regarding the potential implementation of the Central Bank Digital Currency, the governor strongly opposes and expresses his intention to block its adoption both at the state and national level.

The reason is simple: this currency poses a threat to American freedoms and could lead to a social credit system.

"The federal government has a responsibility to protect us from foreign threats, but turning the government against the American people is the Founding Fathers' worst nightmare."

And while he argues that imposing a CBDC on Americans would require Congressional approval, he warned that "the Fed could go for something unilaterally." And this would not stand it:

“If I am the president, on day one, we will eliminate central bank digital money. Done. Dead. It's not going to happen in this country,” DeSantis said in clearing his opposition to the technology.

“They want to get rid of cash. They don't want cryptocurrencies. They want [CBDCs] to be the only form of fiat money. It will allow them to prohibit 'unwanted purchases' like fuel and ammunition,” DeSantis argued, adding that “…they have said it publicly in Davos and other places…”.

The moment you give them the power to “impose a social credit system on this country,” the Florida governor exclaimed, ominously concluding that “the CBDC is a massive threat to American freedom.”

On January 20, 2025, [the Central Bank's digital currency] will end up in the ash heap of this country's history .” he said, referring to the day the US president was proclaimed in office.

Here's the full interview below (DeSantis' discussion of CBDCs starts at around 4pm):

DeSantis's criticisms of CBDCs are not new. As governor of Florida, he signed into law a law in May banning CBDCs from being recognized as legal tender.

The presidential candidate also urged other Republican-led states to introduce their own measures against CBDCs. In March, for example, he called on a 20-state coalition to oppose federal support for the concept.

He is not alone on the right: Vivek Ramaswamy has also spoken out against these centralized digital currencies.

As for Democrats, pro-Bitcoin candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. called CBDCs “tools of control and oppression, [that] will surely be abused.” Obviously Biden, on the other hand, is in favor, so much so that he has signed executive orders to facilitate their study and application.

The fact that the CBDC is a mass control tool is confirmed by the enthusiasm with which this tool was adopted by the European Commission

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The DeSantis article: If I am elected I will cancel any FED digital currency program is from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/desantis-se-saro-eletto-cancellero-qualsiasi-programma-di-valuta-digitale-della-fed/ on Sun, 16 Jul 2023 11:30:59 +0000.