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Discrimination: different bracelets to students depending on whether they are vaccinated or not

The first-year students of the University of Bath received bracelets from the authorities differently colored bracelets to signal whether they are vaccinated or not. "Newly freshmen were given bracelets to signal if they are vaccinated against the coronavirus amid rabies in the “two-tier” emerging college campuses, ”reports the Telegraph. "Students arriving at the University of Bath this week have been given a different colored bracelet on club nights if they can prove in advance that they have been vaccinated or have Covid-19 immunity." Those who cannot prove they have been vaccinated are forced to enter by another different door and queuing up, with a clear example of segregation.

All in Bath which would be a notoriously left-wing city, as well as its university. Furthermore, vaccine passports are enforced on campuses despite the government's inability to enforce them on the country after studies found that this tool would be discriminatory and ethically incorrect. But this is not the only case. University of Sheffield students must present a COVID pass to access freshman events or convivial evenings, which means that those who do not comply with the regulations lose the opportunity to participate in the social life of the college. Oxford and Cambridge students are also asked to disclose their vaccination status.

"We are concerned that some universities appear to have implemented what amounts to a vaccine passport through underhanded methods," said Arabella Skinner, director of the UsForThem parenting group.

“The idea of ​​having students display their private medical information in such a public way is unacceptable. This echoes the examples of discrimination we saw in schools during the pandemic and raises concerns about a two-tier system for students to access education. "

Vaccine passports have largely proved ineffective wherever they have been adopted, including in France, where in many cases they are not even enforced.

After Israel instituted one of the world's first vaccine passport schemes, it experienced a new record wave of COVID infections.

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The article Discrimination: different bracelets to students depending on whether they are vaccinated or not comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/discriminazione-agli-studenti-bracciali-diversi-a-seconda-che-siano-vaccinati-o-meno/ on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 17:34:32 +0000.