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Do cold and dry weather affect the spread of covid-19? The role of climate ..

The current wave of covid-19 in central Europe has a curious feature that deserves to be studied. The wave started almost simultaneously in all Eastern European countries, simultaneously. At least a curious fact.

Trends that were down have reversed. What happened in the previous days that may have caused this upsurge?

This is a phenomenon that deserves some attention. In twitter some hypothesis has started. Kaur Parve , for example, noted the coincidence of the wave of covid-19 with a change in environmental conditions. Parve points out that, in those days, there was a strong cold wave in those regions, with a significant drop in temperatures accompanied by an atmospheric situation characterized by much drier air.

The air that reaches the lungs must contain 35 g / kg of water. In the summer the air contained about 10 g / kg, and the epithelium had to add 25 g / kg. From 9 October onwards, 20% more water from the epithelium was needed overnight. Apparently this change seems secondary, but it is not: try using a tennis racket that weighs 20% more, and tell me how your arm feels after a game.

With much drier air, for Parve, the epithelium will need to be much more hydrated in order to create the mucus needed to keep the nasal passages and airways healthy, or it may be damaged. The epithelium would also need rest, but it cannot. The mucus that covers the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract is responsible for the hydration of the inhaled air, acting as a barrier between the environment and the epithelial cells. The mucosal microbiome also renders inhaled viral particles harmless, but if this is missing, then infections are much more frequent.

Obviously this is only a pure theory, but it would be necessary to deepen the link between climate, considering both humidity and temperature, and covid-19. Science should be made up of theories that confront each other and understand well why certain phenomena would allow us to understand and cure them. Provided that this is the purpose.

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Do cold and dry weather affect the spread of covid-19? The role of climate .. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/freddo-e-clima-secco-hanno-un-effetto-sulla-diffusione-del-covid-19-il-ruolo-del-clima/ on Tue, 23 Nov 2021 10:31:10 +0000.