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Economic Scenarios

Doctors: orders in chaos due to vaccination obligations or finally awakening of the professionals?

The provincial assemblies of the orders of doctors are held for the approval of the financial statements. Usually they are bureaucratic events that nobody talks about, but this year was tragically exceptional for them too.

In Turin, the approval of the budget in the Assembly was skipped, with the sharp protests of the over 300 doctors opposed to mandatory vaccination who managed to have the financial document rejected. The assembly was so lively that police intervention was required. We should evaluate why well over 300 doctors have opposed the obligation imposed by Minister Speranza. Are they really all suicides who have graduated from correspondence?

In Padua on April 9 there was a clear split of the Order by its members. In this case, the budget was approved, but a substantial and non-ignorable slice, 39%, voted against the top. Even doctors who obeyed the obligation voted against those who expelled esteemed colleagues, considered reliable and who for years have treated patients with dedication. Yet, overnight, they were suspended, as if they were incapable or tribal sorcerers

Probably these will not be the last cases of contestation by the leaders of professional orders who have appeared more skilled in defending the often questionable choices of the government, rather than their own associates. The lack of any internal dialectic and the inability to create a dialectical path that would allow us to evaluate individual cases is clear. Why does a cured doctor have to be forced to three vaccine injections, for example? Because no alternative pathways have been devised for doctors who have not been vaccinated. Among other things, there has been such harsh imposition in almost no other nation in the world. The Orders appeared to be only zealous in implementing the orders from above, depressing the very professionalism they should protect. So the dissent within them is obvious, indeed almost due: doctors are not mere order carriers.

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The article Doctors: orders in chaos due to vaccination obligations or finally awakening of the professionals? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/medici-ordini-nel-caos-a-causa-degli-obblighi-vaccinali-o-finalmente-risveglio-dei-professionisti/ on Thu, 14 Apr 2022 10:00:41 +0000.