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Economic Scenarios

Does anyone start to be afraid? Confindustria E-R: we postpone the green pass obligation for 15 days. Self-tampons lasting 72 hours. AND ZAIA …

About ten days ago we highlighted how the introduction of the Green Pass could potentially lead to major problems for the Italian production and logistics system, often on the verge of rupture, and as with four million workers who were without it, many of them intending not to do so, there was the possibility of very strong inconvenience, if not an economic freeze.

Now in an Interview with Corriere, the president of Confindustria Emilia Romagna, Valter Caiumi makes three requests that show that employers also have strong fears that everything will go smoothly. The requests are:

  • delaying the introduction of green passes at workplaces by 15 days,
  • 72-hour tests, not only the molecular ones, but also the gene ones;
  • the possibility for workers to do the tests themselves, perhaps under the supervision of trained company personnel.

Three proposals of a minimum of common sense, which would greatly facilitate unvaccinated workers to be able to continue working with excessive inconvenience, and therefore without the desire to take all holidays, or to leave work, at the introduction of the Green Pass.

UPDATE: Zaia also realized the impossibility of supporting the mandatory Green Pass and, objectively, the unwillingness of a slice of workers to get vaccinated. So now he is asking for self-certified tampons too

And to think that we have been saying this for a long time….

However, there is a problem: this would make the legislation non-punitive, and we know that the purpose of the rule is precisely the repression of the unvaccinated, their discrimination. Brunetta said it clearly ..

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The article Does anyone start to be afraid? Confindustria ER: we postpone the green pass obligation for 15 days. Self-tampons lasting 72 hours. And ZAIA… comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/qualcuno-inizia-ad-avere-paura-confindustria-emilia-romagna-rinviamo-lobbligo-green-pass-di-15-giorni-si-autotamponi-della-durata-72-ore/ on Fri, 08 Oct 2021 17:05:34 +0000.