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Does the M5s crash? To what extent Draghi risks

Various press organs highlight how, this time, we can be faced with a real split. By dint of twists and turns, orders and counter-orders, it seems that the movement is, to put it mildly, a bit confused and some of the parliamentary groups are not quite convinced of the support for Draghi. Not only Dibba, but also other deputies and senators like Pino Cabras did not feel like making the posts with the words “Never a dragons” disappear in 24 hours. After supporting the power group of the PD, supporting a technical government of a banker would be too big a leap for many yellow deputies. Press sources also speak of a hundred elected between the House and Senate.

At this point we need to reckon: how much should the majority expand to cover any fractures of the M5s?

First of all we specify that we are talking about hypothesis: maybe in the end there will be no dissidents after Grillo and Di Maio's work of conviction. Conte is not sure where he is going, his star is falling. However, we make assumptions based on the number of 100 and dividing it into 33 senators and 64 deputies.



PD – 35

FI – 52

MAIE – 10

M5S (net) – 59?

Italy Viva 18

TOTAL: 174 majority 161

All without the LEGA, FdI LeU and without the mixed group

What happens to the ROOM

PD: 93

FI: 91

M5S (net): 127

Italy Viva: 28

MAIE Dem Center: 19


All without LeU, FdI Lega and various mixed components.

So the Draghi government could be born even in the event of a fracture of the M5s and without even the support of the League. In the end, two-thirds of five stars are enough to give birth to Draghi. Di Battista can be calm and make his way.

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Article Does the M5s Crack? To what extent Draghi comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-m5s-si-spacca-fino-a-che-punto-rischia-draghi/ on Sat, 06 Feb 2021 08:31:47 +0000.