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Doesn’t the presence of treatments take away justifications for the vaccine race?

Race to the vaccine, but it is really the only way to get back to normal, even when starting to be of care protocols valid? Shouldn't we have put more effort into finding valid medical protocols rather than chasing dubious herd immunity? Ilario Di Giovambattista expressed in this video some of the perplexities that are currently most prevalent in public opinion. The vaccine is presented as the only way to defeat the coronavirus , yet the testimonies of doctors who have treated their patients with #pharmaceuticals already in use and inexpensive are no longer counted.

“I heard Dr. Stramezzi and he convinced me. He has treated 700 Covid patients and belongs to a network of doctors who have treated thousands of people. So they found a cure. There is a cure for Covid. Yet I am observing this vaccine rush… ”In short, after more than a year it is still not clear where the truth lies. And it is precisely from this ambiguity that fear originates. “A Spanish research says that if you have had Covid you are protected for life – observes Di Giovambattista – I honestly don't understand why I have to get vaccinated. And then it's still an ongoing experiment . One thing is certain, they haven't had time to experience it. This is serious. I would like to understand! Also because life is mine. You make us go crazy! "

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Does the article The presence of treatments take away justifications from the vaccine rush? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-presenza-di-cure-non-toglie-giustificazioni-alla-corsa-al-vaccino/ on Sun, 06 Jun 2021 13:52:07 +0000.