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Don’t believe what they will tell you: the French elections went very badly for Macron

The Mainstream Media will try to make you believe that the French legislative elections went well for Macron and that he will eventually get back a strong majority in the second round. We do not know how this round will go, but surely these elections have been a disaster for Macron who now finds strong opposition both on the right, with the RN that has not disappeared, despite the divisions, but also on the left.

This is seen by analyzing the general results:

It cannot be hidden that, compared to forecasts, the Red-Green block went very well, indeed it surpassed the Macronians. At the same time on the right, the RN of marine Le Pen is strengthened considerably, definitely overtaking LR, the former Gaullists and despite the competition from Reconquete it brings home a 4%.

In the Paris area, Melenchon's radical left wins hands down

In the northern area, where the immigration problem is alive, Le Pen is advancing

In the end, the seats will be decided in the second round, by those who go to vote. Who will be able to motivate their voters the most? An ideologically confused Macron, who likes to irritate the RN, or a radical and green left that feels it is winning? If you were an RN voter would you go to the sea, would you vote for Macron or, in the perspective of "So much worse, so much better", would you vote for the left?

This is why these elections were NOT a victory for Macron, on the contrary they risk putting him in front of a much angrier parliament than the previous one, full of sweet socialists and Gaullists. And anyway there will be more representatives of the RN.

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The article Don't believe what they will tell you: the French elections went very badly for Macron comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/non-credete-a-quello-che-vi-diranno-le-elezioni-francesi-sono-andate-malissimo-per-macron/ on Mon, 13 Jun 2022 10:30:42 +0000.