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Drug overdose kills more than Covid19. The tragic data of San Francisco

Who kills the most, at least in the seemingly rich and advanced city of San Francisco, drugs or covid-19? The answer is simple : We have 713 people who died from drug overdoses in the city in 2020 compared to 255 who died from the virus from China known as the coronavirus.

At the US level, the largest increase in the number of overdose deaths occurred in March and May 2020 and coincided with the segregations of people decided by the CDC and which were supposed to prevent the spread of the virus. How many other deaths did he score?

"The rise in drug overdose deaths appears to have accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic," the CDC said in a statement.

Overdose deaths were steadily increasing even before the lockdown. During the 12-month period ending in May last year, 81,230 people died from accidental drug overdoses, the largest 12-month total on record. Men accounted for the vast majority of deaths at 81%. 27% of the victims did not have a fixed address.

The trends reversed in 2021, with more people dying from the virus (261) from January to March than from drug overdoses (203), but the numbers differ little. The reversal coincided with the gradual reopening of the city which began on January 21st. Various types of businesses, including indoor playgrounds and discos, are not yet licensed to operate.

Throughout 2020, fentanyl was responsible for the largest number of overdose deaths than any other drug. China has been the main source of fentanyl and has flooded the United States with the drug in recent years.

Who subsidizes Chinese fentanyl producers? According to Ben Westhoff , an investigative reporter who went undercover, the state is the state of China. A two-pronged attack.

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The article kills drug overdose more than Covid19. The tragic data of San Francisco comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/ne-uccide-piu-loverdose-di-droga-che-il-covid19-i-tragico-dato-di-san-francisco/ on Sun, 18 Apr 2021 19:32:45 +0000.