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Economic Scenarios

Dying of Internship in China. Forced labor in schools

Every year, Chinese high schools organize "work stages" where hundreds of students are sent to factories to work, with very hard shifts, in the most humble and least paid activities such as porterage you think. This year a hundred boys from Hubei were sent to work in a factory in Shenzen, but things did not go well.

A reporter revealed in the media yesterday that Yu Ming, a 17-year-old student from Danjiangkou Vocational and Technical School in Hubei Province, died jumping off the sixth floor of the Shenzhen factory on Friday. However, as we are close to the CCP's 100th anniversary; which will be celebrated with large parties, the police intervened to seize videos and images that filmed the tragedy.

The working conditions of students in these factories are extreme: 10 hours of work, no breaks, little chance of having sick leave, but these kids are seen as a source of wealth by schools: companies look for them because their wages , 2000 yuan on average, 260 euros, are ridiculous even by Chinese standards. In addition, a quarter of this money is paid directly to the schools which then threaten the students not to issue them the coveted diploma in order to send them to work. The final diploma for a Chinese is an essential tool to be able to hope for a satisfying working life. Then, every now and then, some boy throws himself off a roof, but everything is silenced: it cannot be said that in the workers' paradise these are exploited.

When you buy some low-cost “Made in China” products, remember that, perhaps, an underpaid guy took the trouble.

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The article Dying of Internship in China. Forced labor in schools comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/morire-di-stage-lavorativo-in-cina-il-lavoro-forzato-nelle-scuole/ on Wed, 30 Jun 2021 09:00:48 +0000.