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Ebola: its flare-up in Africa will cause the next epidemic

Could the new outbreak of Ebola in Africa be the next epidemic threat?

An official "Ebola epidemic" has now been declared in Guinea, West Africa after a first case broke out in Congo. Four people have died so far, while other sick people are being treated. and they are the first deaths after the horrific epidemic finally ended in 2016. Global health authorities are rushing to contain this new "epidemic", because there would be serious consequences if Ebola were left out of control and let's not talk about Covid with a mortality below 1%, but of a disease where the mortality rate is still around 50%.

Ebola, also known as Ebola virus disease (EVD) or Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF), is a viral hemorrhagic fever that affects humans and other primates caused by ebolavirus. Signs and symptoms typically begin between two days and three weeks after contracting the virus with fever, sore throat, body aches, and headaches. Vomiting, diarrhea, and rash usually follow, along with impaired liver and kidney function. At this time, some people start bleeding both internally and externally. mortality varies from 25% to 90% depending on the forms and the average is 50%. One dies from collapse linked to low blood pressure due to fluid loss and this occurs six to 16 days after the onset of symptoms. Death is truly horrible.

Once it spreads to an area, Ebola can be a real nightmare for health authorities, which is why the outbreak in Guinea is being taken so seriously. Outbreaks so far have been limited to specific areas and have not emerged from Africa.

In Guinea the outbreak was caught in time, but a map is enough to understand that between the Congo case and those in Guinea there must be a connection, and that in between there is a huge area where other cases could hide.

Thankfully Ebola doesn't spread very easily from person to person, and global health authorities have been practicing containing Ebola outbreaks over the past few decades. As a health official, Donald Brooks, told NBC News, speed is the key to containing these types of outbreaks.

“There are tools and systems that can be mobilized quickly to address these cases. The key will be speed, ensuring that appropriate people and materials are where they need to be. "Otherwise, he warned" Otherwise, and it will spread to urban centers, it could cause a disastrous loss of life. "

Thankfully, experimental treatments and a partially effective vaccine are starting to exist, but if we ever witness a global Ebola pandemic, the death rate would still be extremely high.

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The article Ebola: its flare-up in Africa will cause the next epidemic comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/ebola-il-suo-divampare-in-africa-causera-la-prossima-epidemia/ on Wed, 17 Feb 2021 15:57:44 +0000.