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Economic Scenarios

ECONOMI / GRAM has arrived. It opens your eyes with a smile and it’s FREE

ECONOMI / GRAM is the new editorial idea by Costantino Rover, to smile at economy, information and ...

ECONOMI / GRAM is a kind of cross between economics, information, communication and satirical humor.

ECOMONI / GRAM: from the author of the very successful book of Economia Spiegata Facile which has sold thousands of copies throughout Italy, a new editorial idea.

It is an economics book that reveals the tricks of communication, starting with the falsification of news, the ways in which they confuse our ideas or erase them from our memory.



It is called this because it is the extract of the best posts with an economic background (and not only) that we have commented on Instagram in recent years.
We have also kept the square format of Instagram and the immediacy of use to which we have added the satirical vein that the subscribers of our official profile love so much.
We mixed everything and served it in print and e-book format, to help scratch, with satire, the daily dogmas that media and popular gullibility bring us into the house in a subtle and arrogant way.

Then we thought: since the world is already so sad, why not do it with a smile?

ECONOMI / GRAM is the book of political and economic satire that helps to make us reflect and to discover for ourselves the deceptions of information main stream

ECONOMI / GRAM is the book of political and economic satire that helps to make us reflect and to discover for ourselves the deceptions of information main stream


Guide for economic hitchhikers.
To reflect with irony on the contradictions that put us under our eyes every day without us realizing it.
Get out of the box with a smile.

Make the escape from the fence. 

It is a book that opens your mind on dozens of topics, because it leverages the observation of the facts to unhinge the lies of the media, false beliefs or unfounded beliefs.
So it is a book suitable for those who love to reveal the pitfalls of mainstream information with simple observation of the facts made with irony.


These are short (telegraphic) comments on economic news and more, with a satirical and humorous background, which open your eyes to the lies told in the mass media.

  • Didn't we have to get richer with the euro by working less? So why are we the only economy where incomes are lower than in the 1990s?
  • We go to the streets to demonstrate for civil rights of pure outline, while we give up well-being and wealth?
  • What have Italians been doing in the last ten or twenty years?
  • How come no one is putting China on trial for covid?
  • Why is no one criticizing Biden despite being doing the same things Trump was doing?

How many times have you wondered how people fall into the traps of information or believe the nonsense that bounces between newspapers, social media and TV? Economigram is useful for debunking all old or new beliefs because it does a very simple job: it creates the links between the news that the mass media bleaches, making you lose track of each logical path.

Real news that we can't explain

Why did the fixed costs in the bill explode after the announcement of the carbon tax?
But didn't they say that with vaccines we would say goodbye to restrictions?
Why have we heard nothing but “Black Lives Matter” for two years, but nobody cares about the segregation of women in Afghanistan?
How come no one is putting China on trial for covid?
Why, despite Biden doing 90% of the same things Trump did, no one is shocked anymore?
How is it that before the public debt was the absolute evil, but when the PD or the bankers are in the government, the problem disappears?
How do you explain that the guillotine in Parliament once is good and the other is not?
What were the election promises and why were they betrayed?

The book answers all these and many other questions by reminding us that the answers are already… all within us. Except that it would take a little help to take a step back and avoid the main stream trap.
Economigram gives you that little help.

Faster than a joke, more shrewd than a pun.


ECONOMI / GRAM exploits the defects of communication on the web to get the message across in the most direct and immediate way.
In fact, by now we all know, the web is not a place to reflect, but it is made to react on impulse.
News, posts, comments; everything is designed to be extremely fast and not very demanding from an intellectual point of view.

This is how we turn into fans without thinking about the facts that involve us or not.

So, even on our Instagram channel, we find ourselves commenting on the news of the economy and surroundings, with an image (or a carousel of images) and a concise comment.
Over time, we got used to commenting on the facts with a joke.
So we said to ourselves, why not laugh at it?

And this is how the idea of ​​a new book was born, which, unlike what happens on the internet, knew how to make people think but with an extremely concise communication.

Thus the reader has all the time to devote himself to reflection, because with ECONOMI / GRAM he finds himself outside the perverse and distracted flow of the web.

Easy, immediate and accessible to all

ECONOMI / GRAM is a splinter

CHEAP / GRAM is a splinter!

ECONOMI / GRAM is a book designed to be easy to read. It is able to provide the link to the news object of the post and allows access to information and understanding even after a long time, because it explains the joke with hashtags.
So you will be able to find out how they are making fun of you even if it's been years since facts were told to you in the opposite way.
Here are two concrete examples:

How did the M5S snatch the votes with the promise to save us from the dictatorship of the Casta , when it then helped to bring the banker Mario Draghi to Palazzo Chigi. But didn't they say they were against the banks and the bankers, or the caste of the caste?

But so much, with all the time that has passed, who remembers it anymore?

No sooner said than done.

Economigram book of economics, politics and information satire

ECONOMI / GRAM helps you to see along

The “left hand” trap. When it came to deciding to privatize the Bank of Italy, the PD (and its derivatives) through Boldrini ensured that the law was approved without debate. And there were no outrageous comments from VIPs. it was 2014! Seven years later the crime repeats itself, but it is a scandal because this time it is the sinking of DDL Zan, as if democracy had been violated for the first time.

Tell the truth, you didn't notice, did you?

Economics chart

What topics does it touch upon?

At the moment the book is in the process of selecting and paging the contents, so the structure is not definitive. If you want you can help us improve and complete it, but for the moment the topics we have touched on are the following:

  • Economy
  • Public debt and other beliefs
  • Foreign policy and geopolitics
  • Green economy / green transition
  • Covid
  • Politics and society

As the construction of the book takes shape, other chapters may be created.

Where can I find it?


ECONOMI / GRAM is not yet available, because we are creating it right now, but you can download a smaller version that serves as a test.
DO YOU WANT TO DOWNLOAD the first version in electronic format FOR FREE?


Just fill out a form and you will be immediately sent to the download page.
We will contact you in some time to ask you to fill out a short satisfaction questionnaire, with which you will help us decide whether to make it in the final version and improve it enough to make it perfect.

You will help us to choose the final name, the colors of the cover, to improve and select the contents, etc.

Do you want to download the book for free?
Fill out the form at the bottom of this page now!

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The article has arrived ECONOMI / GRAM. It opens your eyes with a smile and it's FREE comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/economi-gram/ on Mon, 08 Nov 2021 14:19:22 +0000.