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Elections in Madrid: PP triumphs, good Vox, collapse of the socialists, Iglesias (Podemos) resigns

Isabel Diaz Ayuso, confirmed at the helm of the Madrid Region

Elections in the Madrid region of Spain, leading to a beating for the PSOE and for the traditional left in general. A new left-wing ecologist formation is born, Vox continues to grow and Podemos's left stops, with Paolo Iglesias who decides to leave the leadership of the formation. President Isalbel Diaz Ayuso, who followed a policy of openness against Covid-19, is confirmed at the helm of the region

Let's see percentages and seats:

MM is Mas Madrid is the new "Green" formation that takes advantage of the disappearance of Ciudadanos, who did not show up, and takes the lead from the left overcoming the PSOE. Here is the distribution of seats:

The EPP alone is close to an absolute majority of the seats, set at 69, but will have an easy game in reaching an agreement with Vox, which will bring its own 13 votes and ensure a solid majority. The left is defeated by this round. and, as we have already said, Paolo Iglesias of “Unidos Podemos” resigned recognizing that his training “does not add anything to the left”.

Madrid has also maintained a very “Aperturista” policy and this has benefited the PP, also because the Spanish capital has suffered less from the economic and tourism crisis than the rest of the country. Now the electorate rewards this choice, which should make the Italian “Chiusuristi” think. Errors are paid for by voting.

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The article Elections in Madrid: PP triumphs, good Vox, collapse of the socialists, Iglesias (Podemos) resigns comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/elezioni-a-madrid-trionfa-il-pp-bene-vox-crollo-dei-socialisti-iglesias-podemos-da-le-dimissioni/ on Wed, 05 May 2021 10:35:00 +0000.