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Elections in Russia: Putin downsized, Communists grow

Parliamentary elections were held for the Duma, the Russian parliament. Very special elections because it was also possible to place electronic voting. However, the first large-scale exit polls seem to present a certain twist, with President Putin's party losing the super-majority and the Communist party advancing.

However, let's see an explanatory graph:

YeR (united Russia) ~ EPP | ECR | ID: 45% (- 8)

KPRF ~ LEFT: 21% (+8)

LDPR ~ NI: 9% (-3)

SRPZP ~ S & D | LEFT: 8% (-2)

NL- *: 5% (new)

In Russia there is a 5% barrier. we see that United Russia would lose an absolute majority. the Communists are growing up, the serious ones, and also the Liberal Democrats, who in Russia correspond to a nationalist party. Slight decline in the Social Democrats. The pro-Western party takes 1%, and fraud has very little to do with it.

Let's see the data of the first 16% real scrutinized.

So Putin sees his parliamentary base reduced and could be forced into a coalition with the Communist or Liberal Democratic party, or to do some parliamentary "Hunt". And if you think that the Russians look to the West you are deeply mistaken. After all, why should they?

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The article Elections in Russia: Putin downsized, communists grow comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/elezioni-in-russia-putin-ridimensionato-crescono-i-comunisti/ on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 20:19:13 +0000.