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Elections in the German Land: heavy defeat for the CDU and Merkel

The scandals and mismanagement of the pandemic begin to heavily mark the last semester of Ms Merkel's chancellorship and heavily mark the position of the moderate ruling party, the CDU, without however rewarding the SPD allies. The Greens have had good results, even if not sensational, and even the AfD, while recovering to the minimum, does not confirm the 2016 data. On the other hand, the performance of the liberals of the FPD is good.

However, here are the first results, starting with Rhineland-Palatinate:

We see a 2.7% drop in the SPD, while the CDU loses 6.3%. AfD is confirmed as the third party, falling by 2.1%, while the Greens earn 4.2% and almost manage to double. The FDP grows by 0.3%.

Let's look instead at the situation in Baden Wurttemberg

here the supremacy of the Greens is confirmed while the CDU loses 4%. The SPD loses 0.7%. the FDP reached 11.5% with a growth of 3.2%, while the AfD fell by 4.6%.

So the CDU pays for both the scandals and the management of the pandemic which, evidently, is considered excessively restrictive by the government. The sign of this attitude can be seen in the growth of the FDP which had an extremely critical position on the matter. The advance of the Greens is only the result of hammered propaganda on the climate. Let's wait for the Germans to pay the new carbon taxes, and then we'll see …

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The article Elections in the German Land: heavy defeat for the CDU and Merkel comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/elezioni-nel-land-tedeschi-pesante-sconfitta-per-la-cdu-e-la-merkel/ on Sun, 14 Mar 2021 18:14:25 +0000.