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Economic Scenarios

Elections: now the negotiations for the “Polo del centro” Renzi – Calenda are starting. It will be fun, a lot of fun

Not even 30% of the constituencies promised by the PD was enough to satisfy the ego of Carlo Calenda and his people. Jealous did not tolerate that Letta could have him as his wife and Fratoianni and Di Maio as lovers, despite knowing for a long time that he was dating them. So he got divorced a few days after the wedding and went back to mom.

Now, however, he cannot remain a spinster and must look for a new electoral husband. Who better than another central formation like ItaliaViva. Their programs are virtually identical: to obey the EU, to find a good position for the many leaders and to satisfy the industrial godfathers of both sides. In the end they seem made for each other. I really challenge you to find a real difference in program for these two parts. Among other things, together they could even aim to overcome the barrier and enter parliament. By uniting the areas where they are singularly strong they could bring some patrol into parliament. A group of people ready to go immediately to the collection with the PD in the new parliament. Why do we march divided to strike compact.

There is only one problem: not even the Chinese EAST Tokamak, capable of compressing matter up to five times the heat of the sun, can contain two enormous egos like those of Renzi and Calenda united in a physical or political place. There wouldn't be enough TV or newspapers or social media to hold their utterances, there wouldn't be enough stage to hold both their weight. At the first rustle of wind they would bite like hungry lions, exactly as they did until yesterday.

However, the positive side is that we are finally starting to have a precise picture of how the next ballot will look, with only one more unknown: we will have the Center right, then Center and M5s ready to ally with the PD and Satellites block. Basically two blocks, even if one of the two informal. The only box that remains to be completed is that of the alternative movements, to understand if and which ones will manage to have the symbol on the list. Hoping that the ego of the Renzi-Calenda duo doesn't crush them too.

However, one last question remains: Calenda boasted a centrist virginity, will he now be able to continue to praise it after having compromised himself in a pact with the PD, or will he risk ending up like the “Seduced and abandoned”? As if in Italy someone still believed that there is a center …

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The article Elections: now the negotiations for the "Polo del centro" Renzi – Calenda are starting. It will be fun, very fun comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/elezioni-adesso-partono-le-trattative-per-il-polo-del-centro-renzi-calenda-sara-divertente-molto-divertente/ on Mon, 08 Aug 2022 06:00:13 +0000.