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Elon Musk wants to talk to Putin. Why ?

Elon Musk is truly a character a little out of the ordinary. to make contact with other personalities he does not use intermediaries or private messages, he makes a public statement on twitter. Just like it happened recently with Putin. Elon Musk asked for a contact via Twitter… In front of millions of followers.

The invitation is serious, and has even been translated into Russian.

Clubhouse is a very special social network, divided into "Rooms", where you interact with voice messages, as if it were a series of small interactive podcasts. A social network where you can access by invitation, therefore very confidential.

Why does Elon Musk want to meet Putin? It could be a theme related to tesla which maybe he wants to accelerate the development on Russian soil. Tesla is on sale in Moscow, indeed it has also had some interesting elaborations, like this replica of Mustang Fastback (that of Bullit…).

More likely he will want to discuss the recent successes of SapceX and the possible collaboration with the Russ Space Agency, RosCosmos, for the development of space carriers.

Roscosmos and Russian technology are very advanced in the development of rocket engines.We also know that the Russians are rapidly developing a nuclear rocket engine, the 9M730 Burevestnik, tested in 2018 on an experimental basis. If Spaceship really wants to be the vector for travel to Mars it must use nuclear engines, as NASA had foreseen since the 70s with the Vesta project.

For now, Putin has not responded, but the Kremlin is used to many other ways of responding to appeals…

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The article Elon Musk wants to talk to Putin. Why ? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/elon-musk-vuole-parlare-con-putin-perche/ on Sun, 14 Feb 2021 09:54:56 +0000.