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Energy crisis: China reopens 72 coal mines in emergency

The government policy towards companies and local authorities, which pushes to "Procure resources at any cost", is starting to have its first effects. The Energy Office of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued an emergency notice on Thursday, October 7, ordering individual cities and provinces to reopen coal mines as soon as possible. These are 72 fields that will be active again starting today. The news has been officially confirmed and it is believed that this coal will meet domestic energy demand ahead of the winter.

In early October, temperatures in northern China dropped significantly, by around 20 degrees Celsius, and the population was very worried about not having enough fuel to cope with a harsh winter.

The required increase in production is not indifferent. An increase in capacity of 98.35 million tons is recommended. With immediate effect, production will have to be reorganized according to emergency orders issued by the Autonomous Region authority.

The decision follows the news of the closure of 27 Shanxi coal mines following the floods that have made their extraction sites dangerous and landslide. Meanwhile, 136,000 tons of coal have been purchased, for the first time, by the government of Kazakhstan, and this kind of purchase should become a stable practice.

At this point, the European green policy, the one that imposes taxes without giving energy alternatives, the one that wants to penalize imports with CBAM, is having the opposite effect to the desired one: not only no decarbonisation, but an increase in carbon energy sources. more polluting, such as hard coal. A great achievement for Greta and her friends on the Commission.

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The article Energy crisis: China reopens 72 coal mines in emergency comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/crisi-energetica-la-cina-riapre-in-emergenza-72-miniere-di-carbone/ on Sat, 09 Oct 2021 10:30:35 +0000.