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Environmental protection in the Constitution: the (realistic) hypotheses of a conspiracy theorist

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On February 8, 2022, with the approval of the Chamber
of the proposed constitutional law (Amendments to articles 9 and 41 of the
Constitution on environmental protection), Italy becomes one of
first externally managed states of the WEF elites.

In summary: how we can read on the website of the Department of
Constitutional Reforms “the constitutional bill inserts into the
Constitutional Charter an express reference to environmental protection e
of animals, with amendments to articles 9 and 41 of the Constitution.

In detail , we have an integration of article 9 of the
Constitution: the bill in question introduces among the principles
the protection of the environment, biodiversity and
ecosystems, also in the interest of future generations. Establishes,
also, that the law of the State governs the methods and forms of protection
some animals.

The amendment of art. 9 occurs by adding a third paragraph to the two
originals, with the following formulation composed of two distinct ones
propositions: «Protect the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, too
in the interest of future generations. State law governs i
ways and forms of animal protection "
In addition, the bill is limited to tweaking the second and third
paragraph of article 41 of the Constitution, providing that the initiative
economic cannot be carried out in a way that is harmful to health e
to the environment and that the law determines the appropriate programs and controls
so that public and private economic activity can be addressed e
coordinated for environmental purposes:

in the first case , with the addition of the reference to "damage to health" and al
“Damage to the environment”, supplementing the catalog of limits that yes
require the exercise of the freedom of private economic initiative in
text that would result from the modification, «It cannot be carried out in conflict
with social utility or in a way that could damage health, the environment,
to security, freedom and human dignity ";

in the second case , with the addition of "environmental purposes" among the purposes referred to
can be expressly functionalized ("addressed and coordinated")
economic activity (both public and private) through programs and
appropriate controls that the law is empowered to determine, with the effect of
hesitate the following textual formula: «The law determines the programs and
the appropriate controls for public and private economic activity
can be addressed and coordinated for social and environmental purposes ".
Finally, the bill contains a safeguard clause
legislative competences recognized to the Regions with special statute e
to the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano by their respective statutes. ".

Basically , what the globalist elites of the World Economic Forum do
want for us is something that resembles "corporate fascism".
It was only 2020 the year that Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF
wrote in his book "COVID-19 and the Great Reset" that the virus
escaped from Wuhan would have been a wonderful opportunity to redo the
world according to the dictates indicated by its organization and by its own

Italy, therefore, pushed by its ministers Colao and Cingolani, tips of
diamond of the WEF in our government, is preparing to follow the agenda
pre-compiled by the Davos billionaires with some external players such as
George Soros, Bill Gates, John Kerry, and a host of other exponents of
high-level left, along with transhumanists like Ray Kurzweil,
Martine Rothblatt and almost all of the billionaires and would-be billionaires of the
Silicon Valley.

What does this agenda include?
"You have nothing and you will be happy." This is the Great Reset mantra.
All explained in the original WEF video from 2016.
In the New Normality conceived by the elites, every man subject to this
agenda will rent or share everything and all products will become services
But he will not be able to choose what he will be able to rent or share. The whole will come
decided based on a social credit score.
Of course these choices will be managed by an oligarchy that
will control access to goods and services that they deem satisfactory to
various needs. Small and medium-sized businesses will not be able to exist in
independently and the task of each will be to obey and
to be happy as a slave of the state.

The key word is “global” , with a central authority capable of
impose the use of new energy sources.
The goal is the control of mobility added to social control,
reachable by citing the danger to the environment of the sources
ordinary energy, and easily achievable by limiting the use of gas
natural and fossil fuels.

The Green Economy will also be imposed by the regime through censorship
which already today does not admit dissensions or considered questions. Any
new idea that passes the censorship is automatically considered
"disinformation". People like John Kerry, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack
Dorsey, and many others, have been on the track for some time.

Basically , we have had politics for decades, not only in Italy
public prisoner of a scientific and technological elite, but this one
"Pandemic" has finally come full circle
A billionaire class, a monopolistic elite has taken over not
only of national governments but also of the entire private sphere of each one

Also thanks to the “Greta Thunberg effect”, the elites of the WEF will be able to
then decide which assets may exist and which not under theirs
watchful eye.

Unfortunately for us, however, we are only at the beginning.

What other horrors await us?
The globalist elites incorporate the World Organization within them
della Sanità which recently changed the vaccination passport of
each of us in a QR code designed to be carried by each
human being. They are already speculating that this code, to avoid it
destruction and loss, is implanted under the skin. This
facility, no doubt, will provide a scannable record
the entire health history of each individual.

In this regard, the WEF has been offering its ridicule since 2010
"Vaccine Confidence Project" to help increase confidence in
hesitant in vaccines.

Also, always using the excuse of saving the planet, the WEF
suggests not to eat meat. In the video mentioned above we can
admire a steak coming out of a 3D printer that uses
cells of a live cow and which are grown in a kind of

According to the elite version: “Meat diets are one of the
main sources of greenhouse gases. Agricultural activities account for 24% of
all greenhouse gas emissions each year. Of these, 80% is due
directly or indirectly to livestock activities, ie those
activities that we could easily call farms ".
You may be wondering what farming has to do with pollution.
Also according to the WEF “ruminants (cattle and sheep) produce methane
as a side effect of their own digestive processes and release it into
atmosphere by virtue of these processes or with the fumes deriving from them
rotting manure ".

So, literally, they defecate and fart.
This is their primary fault (which could also become ours
fault, or perhaps it already is …), this is the reason why they invite everyone to
consume insects instead of meat.

But what is the real intent?
The primary intent is to limit the autonomy of individuals:
anyone, with a small farmhouse, a few animals and a vegetable garden,
it could detach itself from their system. But, furthermore, it is proved that the
switching to a meat-free diet often creates negative effects, including
gastrointestinal discomfort, insomnia, emotional stress and changes

Hence, the main reasons for imposing all these changes
Green, from environmental protection to a low-content diet
protein, is to make people more docile and compliant.

This is what the globalist and transhumanist elites have in store
for our future. There are probably other projects too, united
gender ideology, social and emotional learning in
schools, identity politics, censorship of wrong thinking from
part of Big Tech.

We are only at the beginning and all this is already on the plate, in front of ours
The WEF uses fear based on environmental disaster to promote
the demonization of the unvaccinated imposes a real one
"Corporate fascism".
We will know how to defend ourselves from all this, or we will supinely accept that there
the possibility of choosing our future and that of
new generations?

(A conspiracy theorist)

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The article Protection of the Environment in the Constitution: the (realistic) hypotheses of a conspiracy theorist comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/tutela-dellambiente-in-costituzione-le-realistiche-ipotesi-di-un-complottista/ on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 19:27:28 +0000.