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Epidemics and vaccines. Swiss TV documentary on the strategies of pharmaceutical companies

RSI, the public television of Italian-speaking Switzerland, usually produces very interesting documentaries. In this case, we propose a 2013 documentary from Swiss TV whose theme is very interesting: how multinationals defraud states, how the WHO chooses responsible persons in obvious conflict of interest because they are paid by pharmaceutical companies who patent useless vaccines.

From avian to swine to Ebola, the dirty game of the World Health Organization in concert with "scientists" in the pay of large industries. After seeing it, it will be difficult to trust again everything that swine pandemic, a specter that has worried the whole world, tells us. The wave has now passed. Behind it left a small number of victims, an avalanche of questions, and dangerous certainties about the vaccine damage caused by the adjuvant AS03 and an exponential increase in narcolepsy in children related to vaccination with Pandemrix. It is a fact that the predictions of the catastrophists did not come true: the planet experienced it as a common influence. However, states have purchased millions of doses of the pandemic vaccine, mostly unused. They did so on the recommendation of the WHO. At the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, the Health Commission accused the WHO of creating a "false pandemic" that turned a common flu into a billionaire business – spreading unwarranted fear in the population and governments around the world which, they spent a fortune to prepare for and defend themselves against what appeared to be an imminent health emergency.

This is not the case with Covid-19, but the strategies of the pharmaceutical CSAs are, in general, always not very transparent. For example, there is talk of an injection every 7 – 8 months, but there are still no reliable data on immunization. There is talk of variants, but the coverage of the different vaccines is still uncertain. There is a push to spend without a clear vision yet. In the meantime, however, chaos is unleashed

Good listening and we thank Imola today who advertised the video

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The article Epidemics and vaccines. Swiss TV documentary on the strategies of pharmaceutical companies comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/epidemie-e-vaccini-documentario-della-tv-svizzera-sulle-strategie-delle-case-farmaceutiche/ on Wed, 05 May 2021 12:07:06 +0000.