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Escape from democracy: the hidden roots of the EU and the euro

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In a piece in Il Corriere della Sera on 5 February, Professor Galli della Loggia reports a worrying trend in the flow of community contributions to culture: EU funding for research is almost entirely swallowed up by so-called STEM (i.e. scientific) subjects and minimally destined for the humanities. In the cited article we read, among other things: “In the eyes of the empty, rootless pan-European utopianism, the nation remains the primary enemy. In the circles of Europeanism that counts and that inspires the Union's policy every day, the idea of ​​the obligatory decline of the national state, the messianic belief of its future inevitable disappearance, still remains central (…). After which, Galli della Loggia concludes by hoping that "despite the absence of a common language, the awareness of the deep roots that unite them will take root in Europeans".

A question arises spontaneously: how can the bitter observation of a "rootless" pan-European utopianism be reconciled with the awareness of the "deep roots" that would unite the European peoples? Perhaps the time has truly come to ask ourselves – rhetoric aside – whether the fateful supposedly "common" roots really lie at the basis of the unification process; or not, rather, fictitious roots, artfully cultivated and inflated, cleverly propagandized and far from symptomatic of an "idem feeling" of the people. The above article demonstrates that even the intellectual circles less suspect of anti-Europeanism are starting to harbor more than well-founded suspicions. The truth is that the "unionist" project has (been) characterized (since its origins and throughout its implementation) by connotations that are not at all popular, social and "mass", but rather elitist, artificial and "niche".

In other words, the myth of "united" Europe is forged on the crucible of an undoubted aristocratic, extra-European, oligarchic and intelligence matrix. As for the aristocratic origin, just think of one of the putative fathers of the unification project of the Old Continent who certainly cannot be defined as a representative of the popular classes. We are referring to Count Richard Nikolaus of Coudenhove-Kalergi who today, unfortunately, is only spoken of with reference to the alleged migrationist and hybridising project (to endorse it as documented or to oppose it as conspiracy) according to some contained in his book Praktischer Idealismus . In reality, Kalergi should be remembered above all for the undeniable "foundational" function he exercised in the long process of arriving from an original unifying "vision" of the European states to the subsequent EEC to the current EU.

His was the first appeal for unity, outlined in 1922 with the book Paneuropa ; he was the inspiration for Aristide Briand's program for a Pan-European Union , presented in 1929 to the League of Nations in Geneva; it was his idea for the future CECA (Coal and Steel Union on the Franco-German axis); his proposal, in 1929, to adopt Friedrich Schiller's Ode to Joy as the European anthem and also to celebrate a Europe Day in the month of May. The Coudenhove-Kalergi foundation, founded in 1978 and transformed in 2008 into the European Society Coudenhove-Kalergi , periodically rewards the most eminent personalities who have distinguished themselves in the realization of the "dream" hoped for by the Austrian nobleman.

As for the fact that the EU is a project that arose more "spontaneously" (under the impulse of US circles) than spontaneously (due to the desire of the European peoples), see what was stated in an interview dated 4 December 2015 by Morris Mottale, professor of international relations, comparative politics and strategic studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences of Franklin University , based in Sorengo, near Lugano, regarding the single currency: «The single currency is to be considered in all respects as an American product. It is not difficult to understand why: a single currency instead of the 32 that existed before makes trade between the United States and Europe much simpler and more rational and facilitates the circulation of goods within the single global market guided by American rules. The creation, extension and strengthening of the free market and the social values ​​connected to it has always been the main objective of American foreign policy.

As soon as they had the opportunity to introduce a single European currency that went in this direction, they didn't miss the opportunity." As for the oligarchic connotation (in the primarily capitalist sense of the term), it is now clear that the Union was deeply "desired" and certainly "supported" by the lobbies of the largest industrial groups. First of all, the so-called ERT ( European Round Table of industrialists ) which, since 1983, has brought together the CEOs of the main multinationals operating in Europe. In 1985, the CEO of Philips presented the “Europe 1990” project containing the road map towards the single market. In June of the same year, the European Commission published a "white paper" which was essentially a re-proposal of the CEO's ideas mentioned above.

Keith Richardson, general secretary of the Round Table of Industrialists from 1988 to 1998, in a documentary by Friedrich Moser and Matthieu Lietaert ( Brussell Business ), also recalled the locations, characterized by luxury and pomp, where those rendezvous took place in which the real leaders of the ERT multinationals repeated, at every turn, to the supposed political leaders of the European peoples that the latter had to open the markets, break down the borders, give vent to the single market. Finally, as regards the influence of (overseas) Intelligence, it is sufficient to mention the scoop in the British Telegraph of 19 September 2000. It gave an account of the documents found by Professor Joshua Paul (a researcher from Georgetown University in Washington) which showed the decisive role played, in this matter, by the CD

ACUE ( American Committee on United Europe ) established in 1948 and chaired by William Donovan, head of the OSS (this was the name of the US secret services before the advent of the CIA). The “European Movement”, an organization at the forefront of the long march towards unification, received more than half of its funding from ACUE.

Well, when duly placed together , all the pieces of the mosaic give us a very different picture compared to the "bucolic" scenario of the "Great Dream" which pro-European storytelling is still imbued with. A narrative that is no longer acceptable nor seriously sustainable except on a level of deliberate mystification of the current debate and public opinion. Aimed, clearly, at leading the European peoples to obtortively adhere to a unification that they never really wanted, at least in current terms: that is, at the price of the slow euthanasia of their own Nation States. If we finally manage to correct this paradigm, we will perhaps be able to understand why, as Galli della Loggia writes, "in the eyes of the empty, rootless pan-European utopianism, the nation remains the primary enemy".

Francesco Carraro


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The article Escape from democracy: the hidden roots of the EU and the euro comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/fuga-dalla-democrazia-le-radici-occulte-della-ue-e-delleuro/ on Sat, 24 Feb 2024 14:23:59 +0000.