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European Union: Putin’s calculations were right. Nothing decides nothing

Putin calculated correctly on the reaction of the EU. If he underestimated the reaction of the US and NATO, if he obviously underestimated the right will to resist of the Ukrainians, he correctly assessed the uselessness of the EU and the senselessness of its reaction.

The meeting in Versailles gave the opportunity to visit a magnificent place, the former palace of the French royalty, but it gave the opportunity to demonstrate two facts:

  1. the Union does not exist from a practical point of view;
  2. the Union cannot do anything for others, but it manages to harm its own members.

What was decided, in fact?

  1. There is no agreement for Ukraine to join the EU, luckily for the Ukrainians;
  2. There is no agreement on oil and gas sanctions;
  3. Nor is there any agreement on the terms for ending dependence on Russian gas. No date has been set;
  4. Von Der Leyen is asked to prepare a plan for May. Between now and May, the war could be over, one way or another. Among other things, given the useless banalities of the “RepowerEU” plan which should “End the dependence on Russia within a year”, nothing new is to be expected.
  5. In the following catwalk of politicians, the great division between the various countries resulted, with Hungary 100% dependent on Russia, which is forcibly pro-Putinian, but which is not helped in any way.
  6. Scholz reiterated that he does not have no energy exit routes;
  7. Macron said he was ready to accept "2,500 Ukrainian refugees". With 2.5 million people already within the borders of the EU he could say zero and would have made a better figure.

They have agreed on "Sanctions" that will lead to nothing, meanwhile, objectively, they are financing the invasion of Ukraine with a lot of money. Leaders appear so stunned by their mistakes that they don't even have an idea of ​​an exit strategy. They have tied their hands, on the one hand with the absurd green policies of Brussels, on the other with the comfortable Russian energy supplies, which have no idea what to do.

The European leadership has been so used to being heterodirected, mainly from Germany, that it has lost all decision-making capacity. Draghi's silence and inaction are really clear in this direction: apart from the useless PNRR, Draghi cannot do anything, he is unable to do anything, and we are touching it firsthand.

Paradoxically, if only NATO, a political and defense body, and not the EU had existed, the individual countries would have had emergency plans and would have been differentiated in their sources and in any case they would have acted according to their needs. Putin was right in seeing the EU as a useful element for his own success,

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The European Union article: Putin's calculations were right. Nothing decides nothing comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/unione-europea-i-calcoli-di-putin-erano-giusti-il-nulla-non-decide-niente/ on Sat, 12 Mar 2022 09:08:36 +0000.