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Economic Scenarios

Extinction: how bad economic policy will make us disappear

Optimism is the scent of life, as the poet Tonino Guerra said in a commercial over 25 years ago. Here we can be optimistic because, to the great joy of the anti-Italians, we will be extinct in a few decades, also thanking an incapable and ineffective economic policy.

Canale Sovranista provides us with a couple of rather clear graphs on the subject, which show the trend of births and deaths from 1960 to today.

First of all, the trend of births and deaths from 1960 to today. What we see is evident: if until 1994 the births exceeded the deaths, albeit by a little, from 1994 to 2008 these remain practically parallel, to then have a plunge in births and a peak in deaths.

This is also clear from the graph above, in which we pass from absolute to relative values ​​for 1000 inhabitants. The growth ends in 1993, then there is a period of stability, and then plummets vertically after 2008.

Clearly there are co-factors, it is not only the economy that explains everything, indeed the economy often does nothing but materially record other social and historical changes. However, at the same time, the colossal failure of the economy appears quite tangible. If we take away from people the material security and the ability to ensure a decent and stable income, if we oppress them with a series of absurd fiscal and bureaucratic stresses, because they should take the trouble to do what they have done without problems for millennia, that is to reproduce. ? They don't. We add that for 20 years now the spaces of political freedom and expression have increasingly narrowed, with a series of pretexts, from "There is no plan B", to "Expansive austerity", to the "Non-contestable climate crisis", to the "Uncontestable health crisis", why should an animal in a cage, which in the end is man, have to give birth? Trivially, it doesn't.

Of course now no one feels responsible, everyone is great, great rulers and great bureaucrats. Yet, if there is still man in a thousand years, and if he still has the freedom to express himself freely by evaluating his past, he will see the present as the turning point, the end of Western civilization. We are still living in 476 AD, but we are not aware of it, exactly as we did then. The newspapers carried by the wind discuss the president of the republic as it was then discussed about a barbarian leader, but all will disappear, erased in their own disappearance.

The professional haters of Italians will celebrate, that is, more or less, bureaucrats and journalists of the last 30 years

But we close with a touch of optimism

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The article Extinction: how bad economic policy will make us disappear comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/estinzione-come-la-cattiva-politica-economica-ci-fara-sparire/ on Fri, 12 Nov 2021 08:00:15 +0000.