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Five programming languages ​​that are about to disappear forever

Technology continues, but while some programming languages ​​seem eternal, some are destined to disappear. Thanks to Lidia Rodriguez we present the five programs (or programming platforms) destined to disappear in the very near future. On the contrary, other languages ​​such as C will remain essential in the future as well. Here is the list of the dying:

  • VISUAL BASIC and VISUAL BASIC .NET: Microsoft got rid of Microsoft's Visual Basic 6 and launched the VisualBasic .NET program, but the transition was problematic. Visual Basic was born in 1991 from an integration of Basic with the graphic part developed by Alan Cooper, and therefore obtaining a more complex language for objects.
    But Microsoft then developed C #, which became its new standard. Back then Microsoft programmers developed Visual Basic in VisualBasic .NET with code that mimicked C #. In the end, however, C # won and VisualBasic headed for extinction.
  • DELPHI: Delphi, it's not that Pascal with object programming added, is heading towards sunset. Embarcadero is attempting to support it and new versions are still being released, but strategic mistakes by Borland set it to extinction
    For starters, they changed their name to Imprise, for no reason, and the change didn't work. Then they separated the database tools from the programming tools. The latter have been renamed CodeGear, but for some reason, people have begun to suspect that something is wrong: meaningless name and strategy changes discouraged programmers who got bored.
  • PEARL: There was a time when everyone was programming in Perl, but then something happened. The creators started amassing more and more powerful features without understanding why. Its authors also seem to have understood (implicitly) that something was wrong with Perl and have decided to stop the development of Perl6, which started in 2000. Now nobody wants it anymore.
  • ADOBE FLASH: We are not talking about a language, but a platform. The demise of Adobe Flash probably began when Steve Jobs decided not to use this language on Apple's (Apple's) mobile devices.
    If one of the new platforms, like the Apple tablet, doesn't support Flash apps, developers will be forced to create them in Javascript, HTML5, or any other Apple-approved platform. As a result, the Flash, despite its continued progress, was gradually abandoned.
  • RUBY: Ruby was all the rage about 10 years ago. It gained an immediate following after its debut in 1995, sadly proved inefficient. Twitter also used it for a while, only to get rid of it when it proved too problematic.

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The article Five programming languages ​​that are about to disappear forever comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/cinque-linguaggi-di-programmazione-che-stanno-per-scomparire-per-sempre/ on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 11:30:46 +0000.