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Economic Scenarios

For all of you entrepreneurs: a voice to not feel alone

by Alessio Bini

They call us zombie or bankrupt companies .
If, on the other hand, some of us are still open they brand him as a tax evader , with piles of money under the mattress. As if it were comfortable to sleep with piles of paper that form hard bumps under the mattress.
In reality, we know that our sleeps are troubled by other problems: how to pay taxes , for example, which accrue despite the fact that there are no earnings. Or how to pay employees , who even if they have a redundancy fund, payments arrive too late. Or finally what to tell this time to the bank manager who asks us to pay just a few hundred euros to get back into the account … and customers continue not to enter because of the pandemic and also because of the crisis that existed even before the virus and that we have learned to live with since 2008, now.

If you feel tired of being everyone's point of reference, when there are no more points of reference, you can contact our “ Helpdesk for entrepreneurs ”. We will help you find a way, giving you useful "unconventional" advice , but always in compliance with the law.
We want to save entrepreneurs .
The state says it wants to save businesses.

To book, write to [email protected] and leave your phone number if you want. An appointment will be made for a call on WhatsApp.

Other important initiatives in favor of businesses will follow. Visit our website to get to know us: www.italiachelavora.org

Here is the manifesto of our association Italia Che Lavora :

  1. We intend to give a voice, all together, to all self-employed workers and small businesses, towards politics and public institutions, to have our rights guaranteed.
  2. Self-employed and small business workers are citizens and workers like everyone else. They have the right to enjoy the rights guaranteed by the constitution, in particular:
    * Art. 1 – Italy is a democratic republic, founded on work.
    * Art. 4 – The Republic recognizes the right to work for all citizens and promotes the conditions that make this right effective.
    * Art. 35 – The Republic protects work in all its forms and applications.
    * Art. 36 – The worker has the right to remuneration that is proportionate to the quantity and quality of his work and in any case sufficient to ensure a free and dignified existence for himself and his family. The maximum duration of the working day is established by law. The worker has the right to weekly rest and paid annual leave, and cannot renounce them.
    * Art. 53 – All are required to contribute to public expenses by virtue of their ability to pay.
  3. We intend to guarantee all workers with a VAT number the same rights as employees in the private and public sectors: the right to health, the right to have time for their loved ones, the right to an income that allows them to live.
  4. We intend to put an end to the tax persecution of the state against VAT numbers. Tax Reduction: First we feed our children, then we pay taxes on what's left. A real tax simplification: maximum one deadline per year for the self-employed and small businesses. Shifting taxation from work to big capital and multinationals.
  5. We intend to reduce bureaucracy: less paper and more substance. Read simple, clear, written in a way that everyone can understand.
  6. We intend to defend petty commerce, which keeps our neighborhoods and our villages alive. Enough with large retailers. Enough with the unfair competition of multinationals that do not pay taxes.
  7. We intend to defend the VAT numbers from the abuses of the banks. Safeguard the first home from the possibility of foreclosure.
  8. We intend to defend VAT numbers from the abuses of large service provider companies (energy, telephony, motorways, etc.)
  9. We intend to offer our members basic and specialist advice on tax issues, disputes with banks, relations with service providers.

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The article For all of you entrepreneurs: a voice for not feeling alone comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/per-tutti-voi-imprenditori-una-voce-per-non-sentirvi-soli/ on Sun, 25 Apr 2021 16:41:29 +0000.