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For the Financial Times it is time to demographically replace Europe

The Financial Times ran an article stating that people living in European countries should "prepare for the population replenishment by Arabs and Asians."

Parag Khanna, the author of the article, also wrote a book called "Move: How Mass Migration Will Reshade the World – and What It Means For You".

Unsurprisingly, he also has close ties to the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations and was a “Global Governance Fellow” at the Brookings Institution.

Khanna ridiculously claims that large swathes of the planet will become "uninhabitable" due to climate change, causing "millions, if not billions of people … to move to land in the most suitable latitudes for survival." For now none of this has happened, indeed, the opposite is happening.

He then says that the "labor shortage" in North America and Europe will require these regions to "open the immigration taps accordingly."

"North America and Eurasia must absorb more people," Khanna asks, apparently dissatisfied with the huge number of migrants they are already welcoming.

"Today's fiscally tense and depopulated Visegrad countries could merge into a larger federation to better manage their vital forests, agriculture and rivers in order to prepare for population replenishment by Arabs and Asians, ”he writes. It would be nice to ask what the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia think about! Then one complains about the political position of the governments of those states. are they wrong? Among other things, the article defines these countries as “On the verge of financial equilibrium”, highlighting a further link with the austerity policies that are so popular with the Commission, the IMF and other supranational bodies.

The idea that Americans and Europeans are being "supplied" or "replaced" by migrant populations is an area of ​​discussion that is treated very differently depending on which party comes to speak.

For those who support mass migration, the idea of ​​white Europeans being replaced demographically is inevitable and / or something to celebrate and encourage. At the same time, anyone who suggests that moving millions of people to places with different cultures could negatively affect the receiving country and, ultimately, constitute an impoverishment of the country of emigration, is viewed negatively is branded as "racist".

With these articles the theory of the "Great Replacement" takes on a tangible reality. Not only that, it comes to join with the other great, and devastating, theory of climate change, which, at present, has not led to the displacement of even one person. Indeed, just recently 1.8 billion more trees have been counted in West Sub-Saharan Africa, a fact that contradicts precisely those who wrote the Financial Times article.

Mass emigration, not coincidentally aimed precisely at those European countries that most want to defend their freedom and identity, is nothing more than the umpteenth mass reallocation project that had one of its greatest supporters in Stalin. Projects that do not take into account people, their identities and their desires. However, the design is now clear: to link climate change and demographic substitution. Now you can touch it with your hand.

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The article For the Financial Times it is time to demographically replace Europe comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/per-il-financia-times-e-tempo-di-sostituire-demograficamente-leuropa/ on Sat, 09 Oct 2021 12:30:30 +0000.