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Forced to resign, the president of the University of Pennsylvania did nothing against anti-Semitism

In the USA, the cleanup of the buildings that allowed the so-called "Woke Mob", the uncontrollable crowd of the extreme left, to take over the universities begins. University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill resigned following pressure from donors and criticism over her testimony at a congressional hearing, during which she was unable to say, under repeated questions, that calls for the genocide of Jews on campus would violate the school's conduct policy.

An hour later, Scott Bok, president of the school's Board of Trustees, announced his resignation. A complete cleanup of the University's leadership and administrative structures

The departure of Liz Magill, in her second year as president of the Ivy League school, was announced by the school late Saturday afternoon. The release said Magill will remain a tenured faculty member at the university's Carey Law School. He agreed to continue leading Penn until the university names an interim president.

Calls for her resignation erupted after Tuesday's testimony to a U.S. House committee on anti-Semitism on college campuses, in which she appeared alongside the presidents of Harvard University and MIT.

Universities across the United States have been accused of failing to protect Jewish students amid growing fears of anti-Semitism around the world and the fallout from Israel's escalating war on Gaza, which faces growing criticism. stronger due to the growing number of Palestinian victims.

The three presidents were called before the commission to respond to these accusations. But their responses in defense of the left-wing students drew a new backlash from opponents, focused in particular on questions asked by Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., who repeatedly asked whether “calling for the genocide of the Jews” would violate Penn's code of conduct.

“If speech turns into conduct it can be harassment, yes,” Magill said. Pressed further, Magill told Stefanik, “It's a context-sensitive decision, Congresswoman,” admitting that, at Penn U., as long as you don't actually kill yourself, you can call for genocide. If it comes to practice then it is "harassment".

Criticism poured in from the White House, Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro, members of Congress and donors. One donor, Ross Stevens, threatened to withdraw a $100 million donation because of the university's "stance on anti-Semitism on campus" unless Magill is replaced.

A day later, Magill responded to the criticism, saying in a video that he would consider a call for genocide of the Jewish people to be harassment or intimidation and that Penn's policies need to be "clarified and evaluated."

This fall, Magill had come under fire from some donors and alumni for the university's handling of several perceived acts of anti-Semitism. Obviously all this only happened when the topic of Semitism was touched upon, not when any value linked to freedom of speech was first attacked.

However, in the USA the climate is changing, and very quickly. To achieve this result it was enough for some donors to withdraw the large grants. Nothing explains the world better than a bounced check.

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The article University of Pennsylvania president forced to resign has done nothing against anti-Semitism comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/obbligata-a-dimettersi-la-presidente-delluniversita-della-pennsylvania-non-ha-fatto-nulla-contro-lantisemitismo/ on Sun, 10 Dec 2023 09:00:12 +0000.