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Fourth of July 2021: 22,000 spectators for Biden, 375,000 for Trump. But Biden won …

Joe Biden gave a speech on the Fourth of July, patriotic day par excellence, inviting Americans to get vaccinated, an activity he called "Patriotic Gesture".

While squinting and stumbling over the 15-minute speech on the White House lawn devoted solely to the COVID fear, fewer than 20,000 people joined the YouTube live stream. That equates to about 0.006% of the population, yet it received a record 81 million votes in the elections, it seems. As long as the votes are true.

The figure is also less than half the number of people who attended President Trump's huge Independence Day rally in Florida on Saturday, and live, not streaming.

If we consider the people who followed the live stream via the internet, these amounted to 375,000 !. More than 10 times those who followed the elected president! elected, true, but by whom?

On the same day, about 30 people showed up to meet Biden during a layover in Michigan:

Biden was then heard asking "what am I doing?", Because it seems he did not have a clear idea of ​​what he was doing there.

The more time passes, the more Joe Biden looks like president "Tug" Benson in the comedy "Hot Shots 2," starring the late Lloyd Bridges.

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The article Fourth of July 2021: 22,000 spectators for Biden, 375,000 for Trump. But Biden won… it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quattro-luglio-2021-22-mila-spettatori-per-biden-375-mila-per-trump-pero-biden-ha-vinto/ on Wed, 07 Jul 2021 07:30:36 +0000.