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Economic Scenarios

France: alarm over ignorance of school teachers. They know neither the basics of language nor those of mathematics…

The results of the 2022 School Teacher Recruitment Examination have arrived and, for some, they are not good at all. Grammar, spelling, conjugation, syntax and mathematics: the correctors describe candidates with a "poor language", and as Marianne reports , poorly educated and their quotes militate from reality television programs or Disney films.
In France, there are regular complaints about the decline in student standards, but the real problem is the aspiring teachers, if we are to believe the reports from the juries of the Concours de recruitment des professeurs des écoles (CRPE). Whether in Lille, Besançon, Clermont-Ferrand, Strasbourg or Marseille, examiners worry about candidates' lack of general knowledge and their basic deficiencies in spelling, grammar or mathematics. Very few candidates cite sources that allow them to demonstrate their personal culture, others cite the author at random, others cite Disney films or other light and certainly unsafe films as a scientific basis.

The form of the language is no less: "Many examined are still surprised by the lack of command of the French language, noting an enormous number of spelling errors (basic chords), syntax errors and colloquial expressions", reads the same report. Punctuation is absent in some documents and commas are generally seldom used.

An edifying example of the level of some candidates: the definition of the word "chancelant", "shaky", which "very few candidates" are able to give "to the amazement of the correctors, given that the context was very useful". In the vast majority of cases, the candidates of the Académie de Lille have linked this adjective to “Chance” “luck” or “Chante” “song”: “It follows that “chancelant” children are lucky, joyful, innocent, carefree children …”. The Besançon jury noted that “familiar words like 'cool' have no place in a competitive exam that aims to recruit future experts who will be responsible for teaching the French language to younger pupils”.

In math, the level doesn't seem to be much better. The Besançon jury even noted that “the number of unanswered submissions is clearly increasing”; while the subject is considered “accessible” and “calculation formulas are provided”, the very low results of the candidates raise questions for the correctors “about the quality of the candidates' mastery of the content of the exam programs and the required mathematical concepts”. Again, the 'slow' level of language appears to be a problem, since math homework includes 'colloquial expressions, a great deal of lexical impropriety, poor language, repetitive and irrelevant vocabulary, as well as a' poor spelling". In Strasbourg, "many candidates do not know the definition of a decimal number".

The decline of school education, even in France, therefore depends on the poor quality of the teaching class. How can you teach, if you don't know or know only in an extremely superficial way. Yet the words "Merit", "Study", "learning" seem to be overshadowed in a world that follows more social and woke fashions, literally preparing classes of donkey students led by donkey teachers.

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The article France: alarm over ignorance of school teachers. They don't know the basics of language or mathematics… it comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/francia-allarme-per-lignoranza-dei-docenti-scolastici-non-sanno-ne-le-basi-della-lingue-ne-quelle-della-matematica/ on Sun, 11 Dec 2022 12:06:01 +0000.