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France: chaos spreads over health passes and vaccines. Protests among the police

Today, at least in theory, in France Lorenzo will start the checks on the green pass in indoor bars and restaurants and in all other public places where the Macron government has decided that this certificate is necessary. The problem is that the application of this instrument is, on the one hand, encountering serious opposition in the country, as shown by various spontaneous manifestations, on the other hand it encounters serious practical problems for its application.

As for the opposition this comes from all the organs that should be subjected to mandatory vaccination. For example, seven firefighters' unions, a category that should compulsorily get vaccinated by 15 September, have expressed their opposition to the obligation by turning to parliament in order to obtain an exemption. Meanwhile, there have been scenes where nurses and doctors burned their coats to signify their opposition.

Only on the material level, the idea poses some problems : “Political will also clashes with the realities on the ground: how do we control the terraces of each bar for lunch and dinner? “Asks Stanislas Gaudon, general administrative secretary of Alliance Police Nationale. Even the police should be called upon to verify that the infected comply with the mandatory isolation and the green pass: “To go and check only one person, a team must be mobilized, that is, three colleagues. If there are 1,000 people to check, that causes 3,000 police officers to mobilize for 30-45 minutes, ”adds Denis Jacob, general secretary of the union of the grassroots police union.

In short, the problem is that, if you put an obligation, you have to be able to control it, otherwise it remains yet another "Manzonian cry". Instead, Macron apparently cares more about pretending to do something than actually doing it.

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The article France: chaos spreads over health passes and vaccines. Protests among the police comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/francia-il-caos-si-diffonde-su-pass-sanitario-e-vaccini-proteste-fra-le-forze-dellordine/ on Wed, 21 Jul 2021 08:11:55 +0000.