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France condemned for failing to welcome asylum seekers

Macron attacks Meloni, but does not look at his own home. On Thursday 8 December, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that France is responsible for not accepting asylum seekers despite the decisions of the Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) court in 2018. As reported by Le Monde, the court ordered France to pay €5,000 to the three appellant families, as well as €7,150 in expenses.

The story began in April 2018, when two Congolese families and a Georgian arrived in France. After obtaining the asylum application certificate, the refugees were stunned to see that they had not been granted accommodation. All had been rejected by the prefecture of Haute-Garonne. After referring the case to the administrative court, the justice of the peace ordered the prefect to take action, but in vain. After several unsuccessful court proceedings, the ECtHR finally took up the case. The ECHR held that the State, represented by the prefect, "has not responded to the applicants' requests" and that therefore there has been a "violation of article 6.1 of the European Convention on Human Rights", which establishes the right of access to a court.

So France attacks Italy for failing to welcome asylum seekers, then forgets about its own. A discrete hypocrisy of pure Macronian mold.

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The article France condemned for failing to receive asylum seekers comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-francia-condannata-per-mancata-accoglienza-dei-richiedenti-asilo/ on Thu, 08 Dec 2022 19:16:16 +0000.