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France: French soldiers on a mission in Romania suffer from hunger and cold

It seems that the French military on a mission for NATO in Romania are doing very badly . The military is complaining strongly that there is insufficient food provided, the housings are infested with parasites and it is starting to get very cold. The soldiers are so disadvantaged that relatives from home are forced to send food and clothing parcels for the soldiers. According to Médiapart, who interviewed the general staff, the responsibility for this situation lies with the Romanian army. "The meals provided by the Romanian allies are reduced to the minimum portion: soup and tomato for dinner, omelette and a piece of bread the previous day … no appetizer and no dessert while the soldiers are starving from physical exertion and the cold".
The journalist who made the report, Justine Brabant, however, noted that the kitchen of the French refectory was "in a bad state of hygiene". The same goes for the prefabs (from Operation Barkhane, old stuff and then designed for an African environment where the cold was definitely not a problem …) where a few hundred soldiers are housed. The others sleep in collective tents.
Not only that: 250 soldiers share 5 toilets, chemical toilets. Out of 16 showers, six work. There is only one washing machine for … 700 soldiers! All this in a field that looks more like a quagmire than a military camp, "where you meet mice, bedbugs and stray dogs".

A scandalous situation that would infuriate Napoleon, who used to say that "An army marches on its stomach" and initiator of a modern strategy in dealing with logistical problems. however we are in Macron's France so when the Minister of the French FFAA, Sébastien Lecornu, paid a brief visit on November 3 to the French soldiers of the Aquila Mission (Aigle) deployed in Romania within the NATO framework, he did not see any of the their living conditions, defined as “deplorable” by Médiapart.
“Insufficient food, partly unhealthy premises, random heating… The living conditions are considered undignified by many soldiers, even if they are used to external operations (opex). And, with the arrival of winter, they fear that things will get worse ”. Miraculously, when the commander arrived, the ration became "Excellent and plentiful" …

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The article France: the French military on a mission in Romania suffer from hunger and the cold comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/francia-i-militari-francesi-in-missione-in-romania-patiscono-la-fame-e-il-freddo/ on Tue, 08 Nov 2022 16:47:35 +0000.