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France: seven arrests on charges of “Attempted coup”

Let's face it right away: the accusations are very serious, but the plot seems a bit exaggerated. According to reports from the French newspaper Le Parisien , a practicing lawyer, a former policeman, a former soldier, former yellow vests were arrested as a precaution in France on charges of conspiracy and terrorism. The suspects, seven in all, five men and two women between the ages of 36 and 62, were taken into custody on Tuesday 23 March morning by the investigators of the Directorate-General for Internal Security (DGSI) on request of the anti-terrorism judges in charge of the dossier on Rémy Daillet. Their custody can last up to 96 hours, and the DGSI is none other than the powerful French counterintelligence / espionage service.

Rémy Daillet is a former Moderate politician accused of conspiracy theories and arrested last October for planning the overthrow of the French government. He even created the website renversementdugouvernementfrancais.com, "Overthrow of the French government .com". He was an extreme supporter of teaching at home, so much so that he talked about "returning the children kidnapped by the French state to their families". At the time of his arrest he was living in Malaysia with his wife and three children. The coup that he planned was called "Operation Azur", and was supposed to use some sort of clandestine paramilitary organization with cells spread throughout France, with the aim of overthrowing the institutions and bringing the people back to power throughout France. .

The suspects placed in police custody exchanged encrypted messages over the internet. The investigating authorities want to understand if they simply expressed their sympathy for Daillet's cause or if they had any active role in the affair. Moreover, it is known that Daillet expected the use of force, at a certain point: “ It is obvious that we will have to use force ”, wrote France Royale, pseudonym of Rémy Daillet, to his lieutenants. “ As long as the opponent can't open fire. At that time, our shock troops have full license to respond, the order to open fire can be given. "

Among the activists is a lawyer from the Paris bar. The magistrates had to seek the approval of the President of Paris to carry out a search of his professional offices. Nicknamed “Vidular” within the group, this tax attorney represented, according to the DGSI, “the second part” of Rémy Daillet's plan. Head of the "legal part" of the group, he shared a video in which he accused the government of "state terrorism, genocide and organized fraud". This accusation would have been the pretext for the initiation of the subversive action of the group.

A very particular plot, we would say amateur, but which shows how even the apparently immobile French society shows moments of profound uneasiness. However, it appears very unlikely that a rather mushy "seven-man army" could have overthrown the French government.

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The article France: seven arrests on charges of "Attempted coup d'etat" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/francia-sette-arresti-con-laccusa-di-tentato-colpo-di-stato/ on Thu, 24 Mar 2022 07:00:51 +0000.