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Economic Scenarios

France: the failure of integration policies in a graph

The urban riots that erupted in France following the death of 17-year-old Nahel M. during a police road check have revived the long-standing debates on the problems of the French suburbs, which combine social, historical, urban planning and safety issues.

Statista's Martin Armstrong notes that, despite the "suburb plans" implemented for more than forty years, policies relating to deprived neighborhoods have failed to reduce inequalities and the social gap with respect to the rest of the French population.

The so-called "priority districts" of social interest in France are defined by the average income of their inhabitants: less than 11,250 euros per capita per year.

The French government has 1,514 priority districts distributed in 859 communes, which include around 5.4 million inhabitants, or 8% of the French population.

In these places, the unemployment rate is 2.5 times the national average and around a quarter of 16-25 year olds have no education and are unemployed (compared to 13% of the population as a whole ).

As the Statista infographic shows, half of the inhabitants of priority neighborhoods live on less than 1,168 euros a month (median net income), compared to the average 1,822 euros for all French people.

This means around 650 euros less per month to live on.

The poverty rate in priority neighborhoods exceeds 40% (compared to 15.5% of the average). Almost three times as much

The unemployment rate in these areas is also more than double that of the rest of France. Then it is said that public expenditure cannot be increased because unemployment is too low and inflation could explode.

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The article France: the failure of integration policies in a graph comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/francia-il-fallimento-delle-politiche-di-integrazione-in-un-grafico/ on Tue, 04 Jul 2023 13:47:20 +0000.